the 3rd Temple exist already in Westbank settlement of Mitzpe Yericho

For many years now at  Mitzpe Yericho a third temple replica is being functioned by temple prests etc. including animal sacrifice of the Red Heffer
the UN Resolution 2334 on 1223-2016 will mean a threatened biblical end to re-sanctified burnt offerings of the Red Heffer that currently secretly began in around 2011 after the 3rd temple replica was finished ( a replica of the first temple as much as possible, truly making it the actual 3rd Temple of Biblical Prophecy in Book Of Revelations).
rlwallerstein 172016 deutschland

The EXACT REPLICA Of The 3rd Temple Is Being BUILT To Begin …

16.02.2010 – ( Jews in the town of Mitzpe Yericho (October 2009) are taking practical steps to prepare for the rebuilding of the Temple in …

diktor oBAMA’s big day January 15, 2017 when he will gain the greatest narcissistic pleasure that a (d)iktator could ever dream of