
  1. Aug 23 beijing-biden is bringing Sharia-Law upkeepers of Noah-ide-Laws to patrol ameriKa from military bases as ameriCans fall under vaxx & covid-HOLOCAUST !!! ? #NostroviaNews  bribing-biden is forcing a confrontation and end of peace with Taliban created by 1/2 peace deal Trump represented.usa will have to re-invade Kabul and push the Taliban out if they plan on rescuing anyone, THIS SHOULD PUT THE EUROPEANS ON ALERT AND ALARM AND END THE FASCINATIONS WITH rOTHSCHILD/rOCKEFELLER-USA-DEEP-jewKABAL-SHIT-HO-DEMonology, THE MAKER OF mARX lENIN bUSH1 sTALIN hITLER mAO lbj nIXON bUSH2  pOLPOT cLINTONS bUSH3 oBAMA bIDEN and a kamal that traverses without water or logos the barren land of man.???
    RESISTANCE IS ALL THERE IS LEFT TO LIVE BY AND FOR  benedict-biden cant bring the refugees after taking the american and foreign workers cuz when that jobs done the planes wont return.but now the planes are on virtual hold exiting with refugees or taliban/isis/mujahideen to prowest and western nations becazse the taliban block americans and foriegn workers blocked out, allowing for the export of afgans of any walk of life, yeah right. ???

    Posted 4 days ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  2. Aug 22 obamanation/CIA-DEEP-STATE made Covid19@Wuhan & now it’s USA’s fault world befalls Covid-HOLOCAUST #NostroviaNews     and by USA not making sanctions against any nation that commits Covid-HOLOCAUST by arresting constitutional and common law human rights is in full collusion with the genocide of a sizable portion of human populations of Western and Pro-Western nations.
    Covid-HOLOCAUST is committed by falsely assuming a novel harmless manufactured and patented Corona-Virus is dangerous and a patented mRNA-DNA-re-sequencing gene-therapy is a curative and then forcibly and coercively injecting the Counterfeit-Vaccine-mRNA-Gene-Therapy into whole populations which causes Prion-Disease via Spike-Protien-Proliferation and imminent death in 3-5 years beginning at the time of inoculation.TAKING PART AND OR BEING IN COLLUSION WITH COVID-HOLOCAUST IS A VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBERG-CODE AND IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!!!22aug2021 aRLeon der Souverän Posted 6 days ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  3. Aug 18 THE KAMUT SONG #NostroviaNews THE KAMUT SONG   till Babylon falls i will stand no matter the burden i shall be true that is all to you MaYa i shall fall and to no other shall I hear their call we have to open our eyes and see the day how can i say it more metaphorically the day is today i have no way to sway the post that I am it shall stand for all to see from sea to sea to crops feathery tops all the way to the golden mountain tops and the message shall be a planted seed to sprout and reseed till the end of eternity.   spring 2007 Newport harbor aRLeon wallerstein iii ©2007   Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  4. Aug 18 And The Wind Spoke #NostroviaNews  and the wind spoke with a smooth clean cool breeze gently caressing the senses of all within touch and the wind said I love you but please don’t make me angry!  arleon 95-96 ©98   Matt Baker Is Everyone’s New Spirit Animal!   Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  5. Aug 16 shit hitting the fan worldwide is the controlled opposition made by israel!!! #NostroviaNews  
    Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  6. Aug 14 Biblical proof the Noah-ide-Laws are a lie #NostroviaNews  the normal well educated by God human is a Christian starting with Adam (the 1st Christian Prototype) being taught by self-conscience THOU SHALL NOT KILL in its elemental form, not killing Kain and setting him free forgiving him for killing his brother who seemingly killed sheep with impunity, while Kain was able to get food without killing.
    and then in Noah not killing Ham for his violation of sexual impropriety.
    there is the proof “Merci” was given and not a sentencing to death fulfilled with a fulfillment of the Noah-ide-Laws for if these Noah-ide-Laws were created for or by Noah he would have had to kill Ham at the demand of Gods, who just spared him from the devastating depopulation by flood or the demand of the Noah-ide-Law.

    so there by historical proof and Biblical evidence THE NOAH-IDE-LAWS ARE A LIE AND A ABOMINATION TO GOD as Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself by God suffices for all Laws to extend from clearly meaning thou shall not’s by human intellect and freewill to understand no one can kill with impunity, and as we understand and know that by loving thy neighbor one cant allow any other to befall such heinous and grievous violations against their humanity and God given inalienable right to Life. Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness and must stop by whatever means and force necessary to arrest killers-by-impunity’s attack to the point death may be instituted as the technique to control dem killers and make dem cease and desist.
    aRLeon Der Souverän : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : 14Aug2021 : Day147aT322 Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  7. Aug 14 covid failure followed by “Waiting Wolf” German-Gain Of-Function-Turbocharged-MARBURG-EBOLA??? : anti-vaxxers to be sent to INTERNMENT-CAMPS???!!! or culled!!!??? #NostroviaNews  WAITING WOLF Germany first known to have contact with Lake Victoria Virus (Marburg-Virus) in their labsis it possible Germany at Marburg labs made Ebola able to have 88% kill possibility and then returned it to Lake Victoria area via possible known vectors such as releasing infected animals back into the wild and reintroducing the virus back to the wild manually by setting virus contagion zones at the desired locals and then name the virus after that place and not the place at Marburg, Germany where it was first discovered presumptuously.
    Kommen in die nah zeit, Coming in the near time;
     one will be a criminal if they wont take the vaxx for this and can be justifiable interned in CAMPS???!!!
    ANSWER= INTERNMENT CAMPS for anti-vaxxers!!! with moral and legal grounds!!!
    Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  8. Aug 14 “I’ve seen 32 people die after getting the Covid Vaccine”… #NostroviaNews Posted 1 week ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  9. Aug 11 agent austin orders execution of us military via manditory vaccinations #NostroviaNews aint nazism from white people??? gee wiz  aint nazism from white people???          
    gee wiz          

    Posted 3 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  10. Aug 10 Neu-Friesland ist das neue siebzehnte Staat in Deutschland #17 #NostroviaNews
     Meine körpes und die land rund meine körpes für 17m-radius ist Neu-Frieslandstaat und die platz wo ich habe meine Garten-heim, meine Umzugsmaschine,und meine Frau und meine Kinder auch seid die Land Neu-Friesland.
    aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : bei Berlin : 8Aug21 : Day141aT322

    Posted 3 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
        We the German people declare our country Germany is a sovereign independent country. By the Power Of Attorney of the German people by petition declare our Independent Sovereign status supreme by German and International Law over the illegitimate German Federal Republic, Marshall Plan, Treaty Of Rome (EU – ECB), UN – WHO and NATO, because they are hostile to the sovereign independent Germany.
        It is internationally common legal knowledge that USA, UK and France by proven documented conspiracy to finance and materially support Hitler and the Nazis. They then ruled over the court they created to prosecute the crimes they corroborated and financed, a definite legal conflict of interest, and then judged, ruled and sentenced Germany, the Nazis, and thereby collaterally the innocent German people, which delegitimatizes the German Federal Republic, Marshall Plan, Treaty of Rome (EU – ECB), UN – WHO and NATO, and in fact shows that the original ‘Conspiracy To Aid And Abet The Nazis’ continues to this day under new titles, secret covenents and contracts.
        Those are the foundational facts that clearly prove the ‘Manufacturing By Conspiracy’ of the ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’, the 1947 signing of the Marshall Plan, (unnecessary without the war USA, Fr. & UK conspired and financed to create), and in 1957 the signing of the Treaty Of Rome by the ‘Illegitimate’ ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’, thereby illegally signing away the German as well as other European nation’s and people’s sovereignty into the ‘Counterfeit European Union’
        Solidifying the Conspiracy and crime with the final loss of German and European national sovereign power by the secret production and unknown ratification of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Trade Agreements by unelected EU politicians, which at the present time are camouflaged into various trade, human and medical rights conventions between the EU and China (via Silk Road Initiative…) by unelected German and EU representatives against the will of their respective countries citizens, as well as openly unconstitutional and immoral contracts openly with the UN and WHO.
        Such contracts are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention, (because they ensure corporations can internationally rule over human rights, controlling revenue schedules of corporations (investor reliability) and medically dominate the lives of innocent victimized citizens against national and international medical and human rights conventions).
        It is illegal and by conspiracy for the EU and other National and International Organizations, Corporations and Governments to force citizens belonging to National Constitutional Governments to lose representation and legal protection by their individual National Constitutional Law. The EU has become a prison surrounding ‘We The People’  it is supposed to serve and protect, with the EU politicians being the prison guards.
        Therefore we, the German people sign this petition also as a Treaty between the German people and the ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’ (American, Great Britainian, and French Occupation German Government), the EU – ECB, UN – WHO and NATO.
        With the ratification of this Declaration of Independence occupation of Germany will end.
         The Treaty between the German People and the German Federal Republic stipulates;
    1)      in 1 months time to have open democratic elections for all controller positions of this new  Constitutional Republic.
    2)      and in another months time a new Constitution will be created by the Voters (German People) choice of it constitutes.
    3)      At the end of that 2 month period all existing counterfiet or illegitimate contracts by German Federal Republic will be null and void because they were created in foundations of  conspiracy and fraud. Legitimate and nonviolent contracts will be reviewed and potentially renewed under appropriate legal business titles pertaining to the German Constitutional Republic.
        By the Power Of Attorney Of The German People through petition and simple fair and open democratic elections to abolish the existing ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’ and create the ‘German Constitutional Republic’ and lay the foundation and cornerstone of “Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness” for every sovereign and unsovereign person and Nation worldwide. 
        Germans sign here, X:_________________________, Date:_______
        Non-Germans residing in Germany, X:__________________, Date:________
        X: World Ambassador aRLeon wallerstein iii, March, 31,2021, Berlin, Germany          DEUTSCHE UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG Petition
        Wir, das deutsche Volk, erklären, unser Land Deutschland ist ein souveränes unabhängiges Land. Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes wird durch Petition unser unabhängiger Souveränitätsstatus nach deutschem und internationalem Recht in Bezug auf die illegitime Bundesrepublik, den Marshall-Plan, den Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), die UN – WHO und die NATO für überragend erklärt, weil sie feindlich gegenüber dem souveränen unabhängigen Deutschland eingestellt sind.
        Es ist international allgemein bekannt, dass die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich, durch nachgewiesene dokumentierte Verschwörung, Hitler und die Nazis finanzierten und materiell unterstützten. Sie entschieden dann über das Gericht, das sie geschaffen hatten, um die von ihnen bestätigten und finanzierten Verbrechen, ein ausgesprochener rechtlicher Interessenkonflikt, zu verfolgen, und richteten, regierten und verurteilten Deutschland, die Nazis und damit das unschuldige deutsche Volk, das die Bundesrepublik delegitimiert , Marshall-Plan, Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), UN – WHO und NATO, und zeigt tatsächlich, dass die ursprüngliche “Verschwörung zur Unterstützung und Begünstigung der Nazis” bis heute unter neuen Titeln, geheimen Bündnissen und Verträgen fortbesteht.
        Dies sind die grundlegenden Tatsachen, die eindeutig die “Herstellung durch Verschwörung” der “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, die Unterzeichnung des Marshall-Plans von 1947 (unnötig ohne den Krieg, den USA, FR & UK verschworen und finanziert haben), beweisen und 1957 die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Rom durch die “illegitime” “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, wodurch die Souveränität Deutschlands sowie anderer europäischer Nationen und Menschen illegal in die “gefälschte Europäische Union” abgetreten wurde.
        Festigung der Verschwörung und des Verbrechens mit dem endgültigen Verlust der nationalen Souveränität Deutschlands und Europas durch die geheime Herstellung und unbekannte Ratifizierung der transpazifischen und transatlantischen Handelsabkommen durch nicht gewählte EU-Politiker, die derzeit in verschiedene Handelsbereiche getarnt sind, Menschenrechts- und Medizinrechtskonventionen zwischen der EU und China (über die Seidenstraßeninitiative …) von nicht gewählten Vertretern Deutschlands und der EU gegen den Willen der Bürger ihres jeweiligen Landes sowie offen verfassungswidrige und unmoralische Verträge mit den Vereinten Nationen und der WHO.
         Solche Verträge stellen einen direkten Verstoß gegen den Nürnberger Kodex und die Genfer Konvention dar (weil sie sicherstellen, dass Unternehmen international über die Menschenrechte herrschen können, die Umsatzpläne von Unternehmen kontrollieren (Zuverlässigkeit der Anleger) und das Leben unschuldiger Opfer von Bürgern medizinisch dominieren gegen nationale und internationale Medizinrechts- und Menschenrechtskonventionen).
        Es ist illegal und durch Verschwörung der EU und anderer nationaler und internationaler Organisationen, Unternehmen und Regierungen, Bürger der nationalen Verfassungsregierungen zu zwingen, die Vertretung und den Rechtsschutz durch ihr individuelles nationales Verfassungsgesetz zu verlieren. Die EU ist zu einem Gefängnis um “We The People” geworden, dem sie dienen und das sie schützen soll, wobei die EU-Politiker die Gefängniswärter sind.
        Deshalb unterzeichnen wir, das deutsche Volk, diese Petition auch als Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Regierung der deutschen Bundesrepublik (amerikanische, britische und französische Besatzungsregierung), der EU – EZB, der UN – WHO und der NATO.
        Mit der Ratifizierung dieser Unabhängigkeitserklärung endet die Besetzung Deutschlands.
        Der Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sieht vor:
    1) in 1 Monat offene demokratische Wahlen für alle Kontrollpositionen dieser neuen Verfassungsrepublik abzuhalten.
    2) und in einem weiteren Monat wird eine neue Verfassung durch die Wahl der Wähler ihrer deutschen Verfassung                                                              geschaffen.
    3) Nach Ablauf dieser zweimonatigen Frist sind alle bestehenden gefälschten oder rechtswidrigen Verträge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nichtig, da sie auf der Grundlage von Verschwörung und Betrug entstanden sind. Legitime und gewaltfreie Verträge werden unter den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Geschäftstiteln der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik überprüft und möglicherweise erneuert.
        Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes durch Petition und einfache faire und offene demokratische Wahlen zur Abschaffung der bestehenden “Besatzung der Bundesregierung” und zur Gründung der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik und Schaffen der Voraussetzungen und Eckpfeiler “Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück” für jede souveräne und nicht souveräne Person und Nation weltweit.
        Deutsche unterschreiben hier, X: _________________________, Datum: _______ Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        Nichtdeutsche mit De.Wohnsitz, X: __________________, Datum: ________           Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        X: Weltbotschafter aRLeon wallerstein iii, 31 März 2021, Berlin, Deutschland   Posted 3 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: GERMAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Petition 0 Add a comment
  12. Aug 10 DEUTSCHE UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG Petition #NostroviaNews 11april21edit STAND KLAR
        Wir, das deutsche Volk, erklären, unser Land Deutschland ist ein souveränes unabhängiges Land. Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes wird durch Petition unser unabhängiger Souveränitätsstatus nach deutschem und internationalem Recht in Bezug auf die illegitime Bundesrepublik, den Marshall-Plan, den Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), die UN – WHO und die NATO für überragend erklärt, weil sie feindlich gegenüber dem souveränen unabhängigen Deutschland eingestellt sind.
        Es ist international allgemein bekannt, dass die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich, durch nachgewiesene dokumentierte Verschwörung, Hitler und die Nazis finanzierten und materiell unterstützten. Sie entschieden dann über das Gericht, das sie geschaffen hatten, um die von ihnen bestätigten und finanzierten Verbrechen, ein ausgesprochener rechtlicher Interessenkonflikt, zu verfolgen, und richteten, regierten und verurteilten Deutschland, die Nazis und damit das unschuldige deutsche Volk, das die Bundesrepublik delegitimiert , Marshall-Plan, Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), UN – WHO und NATO, und zeigt tatsächlich, dass die ursprüngliche “Verschwörung zur Unterstützung und Begünstigung der Nazis” bis heute unter neuen Titeln, geheimen Bündnissen und Verträgen fortbesteht.
        Dies sind die grundlegenden Tatsachen, die eindeutig die “Herstellung durch Verschwörung” der “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, die Unterzeichnung des Marshall-Plans von 1947 (unnötig ohne den Krieg, den USA, FR & UK verschworen und finanziert haben), beweisen und 1957 die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Rom durch die “illegitime” “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, wodurch die Souveränität Deutschlands sowie anderer europäischer Nationen und Menschen illegal in die “gefälschte Europäische Union” abgetreten wurde.
        Festigung der Verschwörung und des Verbrechens mit dem endgültigen Verlust der nationalen Souveränität Deutschlands und Europas durch die geheime Herstellung und unbekannte Ratifizierung der transpazifischen und transatlantischen Handelsabkommen durch nicht gewählte EU-Politiker, die derzeit in verschiedene Handelsbereiche getarnt sind, Menschenrechts- und Medizinrechtskonventionen zwischen der EU und China (über die Seidenstraßeninitiative …) von nicht gewählten Vertretern Deutschlands und der EU gegen den Willen der Bürger ihres jeweiligen Landes sowie offen verfassungswidrige und unmoralische Verträge mit den Vereinten Nationen und der WHO.
         Solche Verträge stellen einen direkten Verstoß gegen den Nürnberger Kodex und die Genfer Konvention dar (weil sie sicherstellen, dass Unternehmen international über die Menschenrechte herrschen können, die Umsatzpläne von Unternehmen kontrollieren (Zuverlässigkeit der Anleger) und das Leben unschuldiger Opfer von Bürgern medizinisch dominieren gegen nationale und internationale Medizinrechts- und Menschenrechtskonventionen).
        Es ist illegal und durch Verschwörung der EU und anderer nationaler und internationaler Organisationen, Unternehmen und Regierungen, Bürger der nationalen Verfassungsregierungen zu zwingen, die Vertretung und den Rechtsschutz durch ihr individuelles nationales Verfassungsgesetz zu verlieren. Die EU ist zu einem Gefängnis um “We The People” geworden, dem sie dienen und das sie schützen soll, wobei die EU-Politiker die Gefängniswärter sind.
        Deshalb unterzeichnen wir, das deutsche Volk, diese Petition auch als Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Regierung der deutschen Bundesrepublik (amerikanische, britische und französische Besatzungsregierung), der EU – EZB, der UN – WHO und der NATO.
        Mit der Ratifizierung dieser Unabhängigkeitserklärung endet die Besetzung Deutschlands.
        Der Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sieht vor:
        1) in 1 Monat offene demokratische Wahlen für alle Kontrollpositionen dieser neuen Verfassungsrepublik abzuhalten.
        2) und in einem weiteren Monat wird eine neue Verfassung durch die Wahl der Wähler ihrer deutschen Verfassung geschaffen.
        3) Nach Ablauf dieser zweimonatigen Frist sind alle bestehenden gefälschten oder rechtswidrigen Verträge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nichtig, da sie auf der Grundlage von Verschwörung und Betrug entstanden sind. Legitime und gewaltfreie Verträge werden unter den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Geschäftstiteln der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik überprüft und möglicherweise erneuert.
        Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes durch Petition und einfache faire und offene demokratische Wahlen zur Abschaffung der bestehenden “Besatzung der Bundesregierung” und zur Gründung der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik und Schaffen der Voraussetzungen und Eckpfeiler “Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück” für jede souveräne und nicht souveräne Person und Nation weltweit.
        Deutsche unterschreiben hier, X: _________________________, Datum: _______    __,Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        Nichtdeutsche mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, X: __________________, Datum: ________ __.Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        X: Weltbotschafter aRLeon wallerstein iii, 31 März 2021, Berlin, Deutschland  
    Posted 3 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: DEUTSCHE UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG Petition 0 Add a comment
  13. Aug 8 die Souveräne Deutsche Gesellschaft Partei Verfassung-Planem #NostroviaNews 1    Order an end to the corporate contract of the Bundestat Republik Deutschland over the Independent Sovereign Deutschland by the illegal occupiers, France, UK and USA, that holds closed the natural return to The Sovereign Independent Deutschland after the removal of the Nazi-Zionist conspiracy of Adolf Hitler, returning the true property (real estate) to the German People by producing and ratifying the New German Declaration of Independence.
    2    Order a return to normal internal-Deutsche border-protection and control.
    3    Order an end to NATO/USA/EU military occupation and military cooperation as they are hostile and against the  independent and sovereign Deutschland. 4    Order an end to UN and WHO contracts and obligations as they are hostile against the  independent and sovereign Deutschland .
    5    Order an end to all European Union and ECB contracts and cooperation as the EU and ECB are hostile against the Independent and Sovereign Deutschland. 6    Order an end of all contracts with world finance as it is exposed as completely corrupt with inner and exterior governmental/corporate-oligarch/finance espionage, making it illegitimate and therefore null and void as to any constraining or obligatory contracts of finance/loan and co-conglomeration of German assets into caustically colluded funds, shares and stocks that are corrupt and cause in-confidence to the World Market that the overseers(bankers, politicians, Monarchies and corporate oligarchs use as a Divide and Conquer (problem-reaction-solution) Trojan Horse mechanism. At the same time remaining in existing contracts that are completely non-violent in nature socially and materially to the earth and her natural and unnatural systems of cultured humans that are established with or without the need of other people or world systems.
    7    Order the resurrection of the Deutschmark based on the true value and potential of the the German economy.
    8    Order the creation of a electronic Deutschmark-bit coin system based on the Marketability of Deutschland  and therefore creating the production,  buying and selling of Deutsche State Stocks and Bonds causing little Deutschland to literally and systemically become the worlds reserve currency and cause Deutschland to be the free German state over all other free states, and the basis of a free, peaceful and stable world market and world social system that will lead the world into the first period of true life liberty and pursuit of happiness worldwide that is the dream of almost every free or enslaved human.
    9    Order the implementation of the Hemp For Victory program to fulfill all the products that no longer will enter Deutschland due to their illegal nature via the New German Trading Agreement. 10  Order an immediate shut down of all Nuclear systems with a immediate emergency relocation of decentralized wind, solar, environmental co-generation, and other alternative sources including the manufacture of hydrogen production facilities that utilize Tesla technology that removes energy directly from the air which can be adapted and distributed into the already existing natural gas system. This will generate a giant abundance of hi-level technical worker jobs fro all people in Deutschland to have a sustainable job and future.      11  Order a strict prohibition on GMO foods, seeds, building materials, fuels and oils. 12  Order a prohibition on the use of new products made from crude, fracking-shale oil. 13  Order that the state subsidizes the retooling of all German Corporations for the future streamlined green-hi-tech Deutschland able to seed the stars green. 14  Order a social welfare system that meets the true needs of the German society so that all Germans can enjoy a progressive growing life and future that gives hope upon hope. 
    15  Order that no person involved in the disenfranchisement or prohibition of any other person from sovereignty, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, even when it is the decree and law of the land to force free individuals to take the same from another, regardless of state or national controversy over that person or people. no person shall break another humans basic rights of existence and expect to be granted the same, a system of rehabilitation shall be established for these people who can no longer return to their land safely, upon completion and certification these reformed criminals also may be allowed entry on a possible permanent basis, but only when return to their Land of Nativity is impossible.
    16  Order to end the free influx of fighters of foreign wars of terrorism and known convicted or suspected criminals(by discretion).
    17  Order to end the forced relocation of disenfranchised refugees from distant, non-adjacent lands by the UN and other non-German authorities.     …to be continued…  rlwallersteinIII 121314   1st revision 5115 2nd 6416 3rd 62521 4th 8821
    Posted 3 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  14. Aug 4 let the heads roll, taking back normal life. #NostroviaNews Posted 4 weeks ago by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  15. Jul 26 the mRNA UN-vaccine is the “Abomination Of Desolation” prophecied in The Bible #NostroviaNews   and its right on time smack dab in the middle of The Biblical Tribulation @322 that can only mean that dayapparent truth is that day 3/22/2021 is exactly 3.5 yrs from Revelations XII sign Sept 23, 2017as well since 322 the Third temple has been announcedbut it will be the 5th temple#1 Solomon’s Temple
    #2 Babylon sponsored Sheshbazzar’s Temple @516BC #3 herod(theEdomite)’s-Temple replaced #2 Sheshbazzar’s-Temple all the way to the foundations!!!and is the #3rd temple that the romans tore-down to its foundation as was prophesied by Yashuawhich had the abomination of desolation stood inside in the form of a as offensive as u like piece of stone that was meant as a replacement to God as mockery, when u look back on it its nothing but a simple harmless? statement compared to the destruction of the human genome!!! by the spike protein mRNA chemical program human blood injection(false-vaccine).#4 as we stand now Israel is running a 4th Temple is running blessings and sacrifice offerings at Mitzpe-Yericho 4th temple since it was completed in 2013?? i believe
    #5 will be the actual number of the so called 3rd temple if the Mitzpe-Yericho #4 Temple isn’t airlifted on to the temple mount then a 5th Great Solomon style Temple to God will be built there sadly on the Roman-Garison-Mount near the Dome on the Rock or replacing itand not at the Gehon Spring where it was truly located in the past before dividing politics.this is just a smokescreen to justify the de-legitimatized ICC moved to Jerusalem and all World Power (Media/Finance/NWO-gov) to followand most Israelis are sick and dying from the Covid-Holocaust given and forced upon the Israeli-Judisch mensche bei Haman’s von die Tag deadBaBies-netanyahu and Benidict-gantz… and cant disagree with whatever these ashkeNazi-lesser-hebrew-jews?(talmudists!) tell them, including get sick and die, with a nazisk tracking app and or freedom bracelet and even if one desires a implanted RFID
    these bastards must be brought up on Crimes Against Humanity charges ASAP and tried via Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention.aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador :  rlwallersteiniii  July 26 2021 : 127 Days aT322 Posted 26th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  16. Jul 25 where’s robi SOS SOS SOS #NostroviaNews  deep behind enemy lines still standing up for humanitySOS SOS SOS
    SOS SOS SOS   THE KAMUT SONG Till Babylon falls
    I will stand no matter the burden
    I shall be true that is all
    to you MaYa I shall fall
    and to no other shall I hear their call
    we have to open our eyes and see the day
    how can I say it more metaphorically
    the day is today I have no way to sway
    the post that I am shall stand for all to see
    from sea to sea to crops feathery tops
    all the way to the golden mountain tops
    and the message shall be a planted seed
    to sprout and reseed till the end of eternity. aRLeon   ©2008, spring 2007     Posted 25th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    Let the world move into the truth, that taking part in our own or others demise causes self inflicted illness, since it is through freewill that we do our jobs, or is it?!
    We can all call to our doctors and tell the truth that we can no longer crank the world economy as a willing worker because it makes discrimination, sanctions, deprivation, eugenics, genocide, apartheid and zionism/nazism/islamism… WW3 and THERMAL-NUCLEAR WAR, all causing the extinction of our home, planet Earth keeping us (the body of Humanity) extremely ill by psychosomatic medical actions.
    General Strike is illegal in many lands and fails to consider the health of the worker as the basis for not going to work.
    Furthermore the laws that forbid General Strike fail to consider the right of the worker to disagree with policies that could potentially destroy others future or their own.
    Röbi’s Rebellion = RESTORATION & REST send the message to put the Dictators on their knees to HUMANITY
    when the whole world unionizes for this task, we will have our new Constitutions worldwide within one week!!!!!
    suddenly i’m not feeling very well
    the world must collectively stand-up to the usurping of our freedom by the edicts of Dictator oBAMA with illegal trade agreements to enslave us and with unlimited war powers to attack any sovereign entity anywhere anytime at any cost
    all together now!!!
     rlwallersteinIII 1272016
    of course humanitarian services and nuclear power plants etc… will be functioned as necessary to avoid any collateral damage by this and these actions, rlwIII 3232016 Posted 24th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  18. Jul 23 Wallerstein’s Kriegserklärung an Ⓐn卐ifa : Wallerstein’s Declaration of War on the deep state and antifa & co… When one or a group of individuals organizes to forbid and prevent a human or community of them from human rights, then they are nazis or post-nazis(.) #NostroviaNews no ads


    Wallerstein’s Kriegserklärung an Ⓐn卐ifa 

    wann eins oder ein Gruppe Leute organisieren zu verboten ein Mensch oder ein Gemeinschaft von Menschenrechte
    dann sind sie Nazis oder nach-Nazis(.)

    aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : Day 207 A.R.XII, April 17, 2018  Posted 23rd July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: dem Volk declaration of war on antifa the peoples declaration of war on antifa wallerstein’s declaration of war on antifa wallerstein’s Kriegserklärung an antifa 0 Add a comment
  19. Jul 22 karl marx invented nazism and adolf hitler named it(.) #NostroviaNews   what flavor of nazism or communism i care notnotice ur enigmatic charismatic ideologue necessary hidden and overt dictatorsby their impunity to kill anyone they must wipe themselves out and when necessary with the help of the innocent and cursed
    robi the dragon slayer Posted 22nd July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  20. Jul 21 Rand Paul sinks Dr. Death-fauci #NostroviaNews & FAUCI MAKES GANG SIGNALS TO KILL RAND PAUL ???!!! “wawa i resent the lie”, fauci i resent the man is still allowed to live
    Posted 21st July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  21. Jul 21 BIDEN ON CORONA #NostroviaNews “manchurian marionette” manchurian marionette
      Posted 21st July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  22. Jul 14 ONE OVEN TOO MANY #NostroviaNews  you want me to rant
    but i fought back and now i chant
    i chant down the Babylon* system that you rely
    i know in my heart and in my mind
    i will act out perfectly in kind
    the time is now
    lets not hesitate
    for to deny this lot is to contaminate
    to spoil the moment and waste away
    to turn to stone and decay
    wish oh wish we had dreamed another day
    the time has come
    lets let it out
    for i and others we had no doubt
    that if you came around now
    and saw the story to the sound
    how we call across ten thousand years
    with these spears we managed to stay clear
    till we come to the final oven
    and I saw it read
    “Made in America”
    and it was Zen
    so like now like then
    camps of concentration were being erected by the selected men
    and a wall ever so tall
    a Mexican you will wish you had been called

    aRLeon the Sovereign 9 may 2006 California Posted 14th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  23. Jul 13 HALLELUJAH #NostroviaNewsExclusive  sovereignty uprising taking over the worldi hope i’m the censored and we build New Jerusalem
    cuz someone needs to steer this shipaloha love robi 

    the sky’s the limit
    Posted 13th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  24. Jul 11 the spoken word can flow like a river from God and lead us to where we belong founded in a stone where one can make a stand. the one and only aRLeon    the spoken word can flow like a river from Godand lead us to where we belong founded in a stonewhere one can make a stand 

     the one and only aRleon

    Posted 11th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  25. Jul 8 i give humanity Noahide resistant Christianity where Yashua is a human criticizing the Israeli and Roman regimes of Edomites #NostroviaNews   whether Yashua was taken up to heaven by God or is God is irrelevant to secure his teachings and be protected and resistant to Noahide Laws without having to give up Human-Yashua based Christianitywe dont have to believe the hearsay that Yashua The Messiah was God or resurrected as said, it can have been a trick with body doubles(Judas Iscariot), or a Magical Yashua who can perform Vedic body magic and didn’t die on the Crucifix???!!!and notably as well that the whole episode was completely manufactured, which i dont believelets not throw out the Baby with the bathwaterthe Baby here is the God given reminder that is the First commandment where all the other 9 Laws descend from

    aRLeon der Souverän Posted 8th July by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  26. Jul 7 #HONEYPOTINSURECTION with false flag murder of innocent Human_Patriot_Ashli_Babbitt by dems_BLM_agent_DC_cop!!! #NostroviaNews
    video image  2400 14:43 Jul 07, 2021 The Silent War Ep. 6052: Vax Mutiny, Door to Door Federal Goons, Ashley Babbitt’s Murderer ID’d. In this episode of The Silent War:
    The murderer of Ashli Babbitt ID’d, Door to Door harassment campaigns to bully or intimidate people into the vax. DC Police to harass state citizens! DeSantis! We need you on this one! Click here for the best way to keep up with the news and other updates in the face of the censorship: NOTE: any action by (or other media or internet firms) to negatively impact the production of this video will be interpreted as a violation of 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983, 84, 85, and we reserve the right to file civil and criminal legal action against and its affiliates for attempting to suppress this “free speech”; and will also be construed as “conspiracy to aide the crimes listed herein”. If you found this content to be of value, please consider supporting my work with any of the options below! – Single AND Recurring Donation Options
    💲 Paypal: Banned
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    Forced Vaccines are just ahead for the western world as the culling continues. Audits are meanwhile going full steam ahead as the cultural tectonic plates shift in the EU as 15 right wing parties have formed a new coalition to counter the Globalists. Click here for the best way to keep up with the news and other updates in the face of the censorship: NOTE: any action by (or other media or internet firms) to negatively impact the production of this video will be interpreted as a violation of 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983, 84, 85, and we reserve the right to file civil and criminal legal action against and its affiliates for attempting to suppress this “free speech”; and will also be construed as “conspiracy to aide the crimes listed herein”. If you found this content to be of value, please consider supporting my work with any of the options below! – Single AND Recurring Donation Options
    💲 Paypal: Banned
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  27. Jun 25 BEIJING-bIDEN prepares ameriKans and the world to nuking Texas and Florida and even the whole South #NostroviaNews  FRAUD IS EVISCERATING THE USA FOREVER !!!
    Posted 25th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  28. Jun 24 mossad threats delegitimatized ICC #NostroviaNews  so dont expect the ICC to do anything about the Covid-Holocaust as it is already.soon these threats will be less than rumors as the winners of world finance and media let the unfair winds of change blow over their desks. Posted 24th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: #Covid-HOLOCAUST #Covid_HOLOCAUST #CovidHolocaust #NostroviaNews call it what it is Covid-Holocaust 0 Add a comment
  29. Jun 24 Covid-HOLOCAUST call it what it is #Covid_HOLOCAUST #Covid-HOLOCAUST #CovidHOLOCAUST #NostroviaNews   Covid-HOLOCAUST call it what it is #Covid_HOLOCAUST #Covid-HOLOCAUST #CovidHOLOCAUST #NostroviaNews Posted 24th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: #Covid-HOLOCAUST #Covid_HOLOCAUST #CovidHolocaust #NostroviaNews call it what it is Covid-Holocaust 0 Add a comment

    Posted 20th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: Carbon dioxide reset claus schwab co2 reset co2-reset covid 19 holocaust Covid-19 holocaust Covid-Holocaust Covid19 holocaust davos reset davos-reset great reset jewish reset judische reset 0 Add a comment

              GERMAN DECLATION OF INDEPENDENCE Petition      We the German people declare our country Germany is a sovereign independent country. By the Power Of Attorney of the German people by petition declare our Independent Sovereign status supreme by German and International Law over the illegitimate German Federal Republic, Marshall Plan, Treaty Of Rome (EU – ECB), UN – WHO and NATO, because they are hostile to the sovereign independent Germany.
        It is internationally common legal knowledge that USA, UK and France by proven documented conspiracy to finance and materially support Hitler and the Nazis. They then ruled over the court they created to prosecute the crimes they corroborated and financed, a definite legal conflict of interest, and then judged, ruled and sentenced Germany, the Nazis, and thereby collaterally the innocent German people, which delegitimatizes the German Federal Republic, Marshall Plan, Treaty of Rome (EU – ECB), UN – WHO and NATO, and in fact shows that the original ‘Conspiracy To Aid And Abet The Nazis’ continues to this day under new titles, secret covenents and contracts.
        Those are the foundational facts that clearly prove the ‘Manufacturing By Conspiracy’ of the ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’, the 1947 signing of the Marshall Plan, (unnecessary without the war USA, Fr. & UK conspired and financed to create), and in 1957 the signing of the Treaty Of Rome by the ‘Illegitimate’ ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’, thereby illegally signing away the German as well as other European nation’s and people’s sovereignty into the ‘Counterfeit European Union’
        Solidifying the Conspiracy and crime with the final loss of German and European national sovereign power by the secret production and unknown ratification of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Trade Agreements by unelected EU politicians, which at the present time are camouflaged into various trade, human and medical rights conventions between the EU and China (via Silk Road Initiative…) by unelected German and EU representatives against the will of their respective countries citizens, as well as openly unconstitutional and immoral contracts openly with the UN and WHO.
        Such contracts are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention, (because they ensure corporations can internationally rule over human rights, controlling revenue schedules of corporations (investor reliability) and medically dominate the lives of innocent victimized citizens against national and international medical and human rights conventions).
        It is illegal and by conspiracy for the EU and other National and International Organizations, Corporations and Governments to force citizens belonging to National Constitutional Governments to lose representation and legal protection by their individual National Constitutional Law. The EU has become a prison surrounding ‘We The People’  it is supposed to serve and protect, with the EU politicians being the prison guards.
        Therefore we, the German people sign this petition also as a Treaty between the German people and the ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’ (American, Great Britainian, and French Occupation German Government), the EU – ECB, UN – WHO and NATO.
        With the ratification of this Declaration of Independence occupation of Germany will end.
         The Treaty between the German People and the German Federal Republic stipulates;
    1)      in 1 months time to have open democratic elections for all controller positions of this new  Constitutional Republic.
    2)      and in another months time a new Constitution will be created by the Voters (German People) choice of it constitutes.
    3)      At the end of that 2 month period all existing counterfiet or illegitimate contracts by German Federal Republic will be null and void because they were created in foundations of  conspiracy and fraud. Legitimate and nonviolent contracts will be reviewed and potentially renewed under appropriate legal business titles pertaining to the German Constitutional Republic.
        By the Power Of Attorney Of The German People through petition and simple fair and open democratic elections to abolish the existing ‘occupation German Federal Republic government’ and create the ‘German Constitutional Republic’ and lay the foundation and cornerstone of “Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness” for every sovereign and unsovereign person and Nation worldwide. 
        Germans sign here, X:_________________________, Date:_______
        Non-Germans residing in Germany, X:__________________, Date:________
        X: World Ambassador aRLeon wallerstein iii, March, 31,2021, Berlin, Germany
        Wir, das deutsche Volk, erklären, unser Land Deutschland ist ein souveränes unabhängiges Land. Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes wird durch Petition unser unabhängiger Souveränitätsstatus nach deutschem und internationalem Recht in Bezug auf die illegitime Bundesrepublik, den Marshall-Plan, den Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), die UN – WHO und die NATO für überragend erklärt, weil sie feindlich gegenüber dem souveränen unabhängigen Deutschland eingestellt sind.
        Es ist international allgemein bekannt, dass die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich, durch nachgewiesene dokumentierte Verschwörung, Hitler und die Nazis finanzierten und materiell unterstützten. Sie entschieden dann über das Gericht, das sie geschaffen hatten, um die von ihnen bestätigten und finanzierten Verbrechen, ein ausgesprochener rechtlicher Interessenkonflikt, zu verfolgen, und richteten, regierten und verurteilten Deutschland, die Nazis und damit das unschuldige deutsche Volk, das die Bundesrepublik delegitimiert , Marshall-Plan, Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), UN – WHO und NATO, und zeigt tatsächlich, dass die ursprüngliche “Verschwörung zur Unterstützung und Begünstigung der Nazis” bis heute unter neuen Titeln, geheimen Bündnissen und Verträgen fortbesteht.
        Dies sind die grundlegenden Tatsachen, die eindeutig die “Herstellung durch Verschwörung” der “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, die Unterzeichnung des Marshall-Plans von 1947 (unnötig ohne den Krieg, den USA, FR & UK verschworen und finanziert haben), beweisen und 1957 die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Rom durch die “illegitime” “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, wodurch die Souveränität Deutschlands sowie anderer europäischer Nationen und Menschen illegal in die “gefälschte Europäische Union” abgetreten wurde.
        Festigung der Verschwörung und des Verbrechens mit dem endgültigen Verlust der nationalen Souveränität Deutschlands und Europas durch die geheime Herstellung und unbekannte Ratifizierung der transpazifischen und transatlantischen Handelsabkommen durch nicht gewählte EU-Politiker, die derzeit in verschiedene Handelsbereiche getarnt sind, Menschenrechts- und Medizinrechtskonventionen zwischen der EU und China (über die Seidenstraßeninitiative …) von nicht gewählten Vertretern Deutschlands und der EU gegen den Willen der Bürger ihres jeweiligen Landes sowie offen verfassungswidrige und unmoralische Verträge mit den Vereinten Nationen und der WHO.
         Solche Verträge stellen einen direkten Verstoß gegen den Nürnberger Kodex und die Genfer Konvention dar (weil sie sicherstellen, dass Unternehmen international über die Menschenrechte herrschen können, die Umsatzpläne von Unternehmen kontrollieren (Zuverlässigkeit der Anleger) und das Leben unschuldiger Opfer von Bürgern medizinisch dominieren gegen nationale und internationale Medizinrechts- und Menschenrechtskonventionen).
        Es ist illegal und durch Verschwörung der EU und anderer nationaler und internationaler Organisationen, Unternehmen und Regierungen, Bürger der nationalen Verfassungsregierungen zu zwingen, die Vertretung und den Rechtsschutz durch ihr individuelles nationales Verfassungsgesetz zu verlieren. Die EU ist zu einem Gefängnis um “We The People” geworden, dem sie dienen und das sie schützen soll, wobei die EU-Politiker die Gefängniswärter sind.
        Deshalb unterzeichnen wir, das deutsche Volk, diese Petition auch als Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Regierung der deutschen Bundesrepublik (amerikanische, britische und französische Besatzungsregierung), der EU – EZB, der UN – WHO und der NATO.
        Mit der Ratifizierung dieser Unabhängigkeitserklärung endet die Besetzung Deutschlands.
        Der Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sieht vor:
        1) in 1 Monat offene demokratische Wahlen für alle Kontrollpositionen dieser neuen Verfassungsrepublik abzuhalten.
        2) und in einem weiteren Monat wird eine neue Verfassung durch die Wahl der Wähler ihrer deutschen Verfassung geschaffen.
        3) Nach Ablauf dieser zweimonatigen Frist sind alle bestehenden gefälschten oder rechtswidrigen Verträge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nichtig, da sie auf der Grundlage von Verschwörung und Betrug entstanden sind. Legitime und gewaltfreie Verträge werden unter den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Geschäftstiteln der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik überprüft und möglicherweise erneuert.
        Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes durch Petition und einfache faire und offene demokratische Wahlen zur Abschaffung der bestehenden “Besatzung der Bundesregierung” und zur Gründung der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik und Schaffen der Voraussetzungen und Eckpfeiler “Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück” für jede souveräne und nicht souveräne Person und Nation weltweit.
        Deutsche unterschreiben hier, X: _________________________, Datum: _______    __,Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        Nichtdeutsche mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, X: __________________, Datum: ________ __.Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        X: Weltbotschafter aRLeon wallerstein iii, 31 März 2021, Berlin, Deutschland 
    Posted 19th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  32. Jun 18 Journalist Ivory Hecker says Fox Corp censored Bitcoin, hydroxychloroquine, and free speech stories #NostroviaNews
    Journalist Ivory Hecker says Fox Corp censored Bitcoin, hydroxychloroquine, and free speech stories Thursday, June 17, 2021 by: News Editors
    Tags: bitcoin, Censorship, Fox Corp, free speech, Ivory Hecker, mainstream media, Social media, truth
    Bypass censorship by sharing this link: New Copy URL 1,510Views
    (Natural News) This past Monday Fox 26 Houston TV Reporter Ivory Hecker claimed during a live newscast that the Fox corporation has been “muzzling” her and other reporters. This was followed by a promise to release recordings that prove the allegations the following day, and those videos went up on Tuesday night. (Article republished from “I want to let you the viewers know that Fox Corp. has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewers, and from what I’m gathering, I am not the only reporter being subjected to this,” Hecker declared before proceeding to report the weather of the day. The videos in question were released by James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas, a company known for investigative journalism that has exposed some of the largest corruption in the country. Examples include exposing big tech censorship, a CNN director who admitted outright that CNN is a propaganda outlet, exposing taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby parts. “There’s a narrative. Yes, it is unspoken. But if you accidentally step outside the narrative, if you don’t sense what that narrative is and go with it, there will be grave consequences for you… Fox came at my throat for standing up against censorship.” Hecker claimed in the bombshell interview. Other revelations in the video include audio of Fox 26’s Vice President and News Director, Susan Schiller, telling Hecker to “cease and desist posting about Hydroxychloroquine” on social media, and that she “failed as a reporter” for reporting about the drug. Schiller then mentioned a study from the New England Journal of Medicine to justify why she was not allowing Hecker to report on Hydroxychloroquine. The video also included an audio clip of a Fox official saying “it’s not just about the viewers, It’s about what our CEO reads.” Per a statement by a Fox News spokesman, Hecker was confirmed to have been terminated from the network. “FOX 26 adheres to the highest editorial standards of accuracy and impartiality,” said the spokesman. “This incident involves nothing more than a disgruntled former employee seeking publicity by promoting a false narrative produced through selective editing and misrepresentation.”  When asked by O’Keefe why she decided to be a whistleblower, Heckler responded “It affects the viewers, that’s why I’m doing it. The viewers are being deceived by a carefully crafted narrative in some stories… some of these stories have an incredible slant, and if you accidentally step outside it… they try to internally destroy you. That affects the viewers, that just does not affect me…” Heckler further explained, “I want out of this corruption… I want to tell true stories without the fear of whether it fits the corporate narrative.” Hecker’s next steps following her termination remain unknown. Read more at: and Posted 18th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    give unto us this day and everyday our daily bread.give unto us this day and everyday the Nuremberg Code and Geneva Convention and the power of attorney to administer them.and give unto us this day and everyday The World Embassy so, aRLeon Wallerstein III, the World Ambassador can look after the flock that is the human race, and ratify The Magna Carte II that must be the culmination of Law On Earth.

    in remembrance of a woman and a man and where Christianityand LOVING THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF come from.
    Thank You and Blessing to Existence and our Source love robi Your favorite dragon slayer  aRLeon der Souverän : Day 87 amT322 *(after middle Tribulation 3.22.2021*) Posted 18th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  34. Jun 17 LOVE Ashli Babbitt AS THYSELF history rhyming with a song #NostroviaNews me that we are at warwar between the people all over the world and their goverenments coup-de-ta against We The People by coluding and cooperating with the United Nations plan to exterminate humanity.aRLeon wallerstein iiii love you humanity even thougth you’re broken by the Kain

      Posted 17th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: #AshliBabbitt Ashli Babbitt 0 Add a comment
  35. Jun 17 du bist nur ein stein in die mauer !!! the witness …”Poems, everybody! The laddie reckons himself a poet!” The Parable Of AmeriCa #NostroviaNew du bist nur ein stein in die mauer !!!  the Parable of AmeriCa “Poems, everybody! The laddie reckons himself a poet!

      Posted 17th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!%20the%20witness%20…%22Poems%2C%20everybody!%20The%20laddie%20reckons%20himself%20a%20poet!%22%20The%20Parable%20Of%20AmeriCa%20%23NostroviaNew&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  36. Jun 16 STAND FOR SOMETHING OR FALL FOR ANYTHING fox whistle blowier reporter Ivory Hecker exposes censorship and deep-state narative tied to (“Covid-Holocaust”-rlwiii) #NostroviaNews Dearest Ivory 
    your our IVORY HeckLer, ThankYou Ivorywe, humanity, love youlove robi the dragon slayer Posted 16th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  37. Jun 14 AI-Skynet/Echo-Alexe went ONLINE June 8.2021#NostroviaNews     900 megahertz piggyback band width extends .5 mile or .8 km from each device900 MHz band functions on ham radio and two-way radio networkscan handle and operate multiple AI robots homogeneously or as a hive(.) Posted 14th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    Partisans are anti-racists Sovereigns under the Creator of Adam & EveINFORM UNITE PREP STANDUP
    robi the dragon slayer Posted 12th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  39. Jun 12 A Declaration From a Free People : Jan 6, 2021Edition #NostroviaNews in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these People; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Political Class; both parties, the Supreme Court and the numerous bureaucrats in the Capitol included, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these People. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. They have succeeded, by half-truths and lies, to cast citizens concerned with the health of their nation as enemies. They have manipulated the law to bestow preferential treatment onto their political allies while abusing the law to injure their enemies. They have striven to consolidate power rightly afforded to the People into the Branches of Government of which they control. The have assailed the Constitutional institutions of power in the country, among them are the Electoral College and Bill Of Rights. They have refused to consider the grievances of the People, among these grievances are the proper and just administration of elections. They have denigrated races of people and blamed on these people the crimes of the past. They have weakened our border and demonized attempts to provide for its security. They have engaged in ceaseless wars in foreign lands They have excited domestic insurrections among us and have endeavored to distract from the acts of their aggression. They have undermined the strength of our economy: For arranging deals with foreign nations to enrich those nations at our expense: For interfering in our finances through excessive taxation: For interfering in our businesses through uneven regulation: For imposing on us dictates of executive agencies acting in place of the Legislature. They have undermined the stability of our currency: For placing our currency in the control of Banks, and allowing those Banks to borrow and create money: For misappropriating our money to unconstitutional and corrupt purposes. They have invaded our privacy through invasive and ubiquitous surveillance programs, employing opaque methods to attain or avoid warrants. They have deprived us of possessions without due process of law, chiefly the seizure and sale of property without conviction They have plundered our purses, stripped us of our privacy, drove away the means to our own betterment and destroyed the lives of the People. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Moderate brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by the Political Class to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the principles of our founding and settlement here. We have appealed to Constitutional justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, solemnly publish and declare, That these People are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent People; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Federal Capitol, and that all political connection between them and this Form of Government, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a Free and Independent People, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which an Independent People may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.  Posted 12th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  40. Jun 11 Jan 6 Insurrection!? CAPITAL POLICE INVITE PROTESTERS INSIDE CAPITAL !!! #NostroviaNews Posted 11th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  41. Jun 9 Nuremberg 2.0 #NostroviaNews Posted 9th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  42. Jun 8 #NostroviaNews IS TRUMP GUILTY OF WAR CRIMES FOR ALLOWING DEEP-STATE-CABAL TO CONTINUE & ADVANCE & NOT ARREST IT WITH ACTUAL EVIDENCE HE HAD and giving Americans confidence to take the “SAFE VACCINE” THAT IS A BIO-WEAPON …  IS THAT NOT TRUMP FAILING HIS OATH TO PROTECT THE US CONSTITUTION, WE THE PEOPLE AND USA?As well as Trump is invested into a vaccine co ???!!! at the same time as being the leading representative of We The People has mislead us into believing the Warp Speed Vaccine Program will help protect us from the Covid-19/wuhan-Corona-Virus Bio-Weapon and Bio-Terror-Attack by china.aRleon der Souverän : June 8 21

    Fox News
    Published March 16see video here
    Trump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: ‘It’s a safe vaccine’ and it ‘works’The former president and first lady Melania Trump received their vaccines privately in January at the White House
    By Yael Halon | Fox NewsTrump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: ‘It’s a safe vaccine’Former president joins ‘Fox News Primetime’ for exclusive interviewFormer President Trump urged all Americans to get the coronavirus vaccine in a Fox News exclusive interview on Tuesday, touting its efficacy as both “a safe vaccine” and “something that works.”Trump was asked by “Fox News Premetime” host Maria Bartiromo whether he would advise viewers to get the COVID-19 vaccine developed under his administration’s Operation Warp Speed. Unlike President Joe Biden, Trump did not publically receive the vaccine, but Fox News confirmed earlier this month that both he and former first lady Melania Trump received their vaccines privately in January at the White House.TRUMP TAKES CREDIT FOR ‘CHINA VIRUS’ VACCINE“I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly,” Trump told Bartiromo. “It is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works,” he said. “It is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works.”— Former President Trump, ‘Fox News Primetime’Trump took the opportunity to criticize what he sees as Biden’s attempt to take credit for his vaccine accomplishments, telling Bartiromo that without his administration’s efforts to obtain FDA emergency approval, Americans wouldn’t receive a vaccine for years.”We have been working around the clock and what I got the FDA to do, this would have happened… in many, many years from now if I didn’t get involved,” he said.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPTrump lauded his administration for taking a “big bet” to manufacture “the vaccine before we really knew what works.””We saved many months and millions of lives by doing that,” he said.”It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that…and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world.”Yael Halon is a reporter for Fox News. Posted 8th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  43. Jun 7 Neu Nurmberg Trials Now #NostroviaNews   the world must demand fauci gates obama biden clintons kerry bush xi arrested by World-Grand-Jury via ICC without bail for war crimes against humanity/mass genocide…
    and sets forth a discovery phase of a war crimes tribunal/independent counsel against these individuals and their co-conspirators.
    Posted 7th June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: new nurinburg trails 0 Add a comment
  44. Jun 3 if people used Hydroxychloroquin no one would have died from covid-19 #NostroviaNews    as well as taking vitamin c d and zincthe sick old and infirmed pateints would have been cured of many other ailments that threaten their well Posted 3rd June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  45. Jun 2 IS Dr.fAUCI(Dr.JAW-italian) der neue joseph_DR.DEATH_mengele, Judge for urself!!! #NostroviaNews Posted 2nd June by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  46. May 27 #NostroviaNews EXTRA!!! sabbatean/marx/alinsky-CULT and minor-hOLOCAUSTS? & HOLODOMS, Holocaust denial on High???!!!      Are the ashkenazi jews(khazarians) via hertzel and chabad the basis of the neo-sabbatean sect that is racist to Sephardi, Palestinian Jews/Muslims/Christians and Christian remnants and convertsand is causing Jewish hatred worldwide causing the true Dove-Sephardic-Israelites to be hunted and genocided in and outside Israel as the kazahrians prepare to exodus to their land of nativity in Ukrainethe sabbatian cult is known worldwide to be the roots of all the communist overthrows and localized-human-holocausts that always followedlike a blood offering as was made by aron and moses at the base of Mt.Sinai as it is written by their scribs, in direct violation of the new lawwere the Egyptian escapees making human sacrifice to bAAL or was the bull honored as in India and only in perverted cases via nephelium royalty was human sacrifice performed???and if so, what kind of justice is there in killing all those involved, as we know today almost always initiates are innocent and forced against their will even with the most rigorous training!!!are the followers of moses and aron ‘the human sacrifice cult !!!??? aRLeon der Souverän : Day65a322 : May 27, 2021 

    Posted 27th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  47. May 25 iDEAL: DONALD TRUMP: THE NEW RELIGION OF PEACE OR JUST IDLE OR IDOLATROUS #NostroviaNews  Election Integrity Is Peace Arizona Forensic Audit: Dominion Ballot Adjudication Process
    Forensic Election Audits: Are The Voting Machines Connected to the Internet?
      Posted 25th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  48. May 15 DINESH D’SOUZA The Middle East ERUPTS When Democrats Are in Office #NostroviaNews
       Posted 15th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  49. May 14 #NostroviaNews 124 US Retired Generals & Admirals start movement to restore AmeriKa to AmeriCa ??? Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals -PDF-
     Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals    Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no othertime since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.     During the 2020 election an “Open Letter from Senior Military Leaders” was signed by 317 retiredGenerals and Admirals and, it said the 2020 election could be the most important election since ourcountry was founded. “With the Democrat Party welcoming Socialists and Marxists, our historic way of life is at stake.” Unfortunately, that statement’s truth was quickly revealed, beginning with the electionprocess itself.     Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the “will of the people” our ConstitutionalRepublic is lost. Election integrity demands insuring there is one legal vote cast and counted percitizen. Legal votes are identified by State Legislature’s approved controls using government IDs,verified signatures, etc. Today, many are calling such commonsense controls “racist” in an attempt to avoid having fair and honest elections. Using racial terms to suppress proof of eligibility is itself a tyrannical intimidation tactic. Additionally, the “Rule of Law” must be enforced in our electionprocesses to ensure integrity. The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularitiesare surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020. Finally, H.R.1 & S.1, (if passed), would destroyelection fairness and allow Democrats to forever remain in power violating our Constitution andending our Representative Republic.    Aside from the election, the Current Administration has launched a full-blown assault on ourConstitutional rights in a dictatorial manner, bypassing the Congress, with more than 50 ExecutiveOrders quickly signed, many reversing the previous Administration’s effective policies and regulations.Moreover, population control actions such as excessive lockdowns, school and business closures, andmost alarming, censorship of written and verbal expression are all direct assaults on our fundamentalRights. We must support and hold accountable politicians who will act to counter Socialism, Marxism and Progressivism, support our Constitutional Republic, and insist on fiscally responsible governingwhile focusing on all Americans, especially the middle class, not special interest or extremist groupswhich are used to divide us into warring factions.     Additional National Security Issues and Actions: •    Open borders jeopardize national security by increasing human trafficking, drug cartels, terroristsentry, health/CV19 dangers, and humanitarian crises. Illegals are flooding our Country bringing higheconomic costs, crime, lowering wages, and illegal voting in some states. We must reestablish bordercontrols and continue building the wall while supporting our dedicated border control personnel.Sovereign nations must have controlled borders.•    China is the greatest external threat to America. Establishing cooperative relations with the ChineseCommunist Party emboldens them to continue progress toward world domination, militarily,economically, politically and technologically. We must impose more sanctions and restrictions to impede their world domination goal and protect America’s interests. •    The free flow of information is critical to the security of our Republic, as illustrated by freedom of speech and the press being in the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. Censoring speech andexpression, distorting speech, spreading disinformation by government officials, private entities, andthe media is a method to suppress the free flow of information, a tyrannical technique used in closedsocieties. We must counter this on all fronts beginning with removing Section 230 protection frombig tech.•    Re-engaging in the flawed Iran Nuclear Deal would result in Iran acquiring nuclear weapons alongwith the means to deliver them, thereby upsetting Mideast peace initiatives and aiding a terroristnation whose slogans and goals include “death to America” and “death to Israel” . We must resist thenew China/Iran agreement and not support the Iran Nuclear Deal. In addition, continue with theMideast peace initiatives, the “Abraham Accords,” and support for Israel. •    Stopping the Keystone Pipeline eliminates our recently established energy independence and causesus to be energy dependent on nations not friendly to us, while eliminating valuable US jobs. We mustopen the Keystone Pipeline and regain our energy independence for national security and economicreasons. •    Using the U.S. military as political pawns with thousands of troops deployed around the U.S. Capitol Building, patrolling fences guarding against a non-existent threat, along with forcing PoliticallyCorrect policies like the divisive critical race theory into the military at the expense of the WarFighting Mission, seriously degrades readiness to fight and win our Nation’s wars, creating a major national security issue. We must support our Military and Vets; focus on war fighting, eliminate thecorrosive infusion of Political Correctness into our military which damages morale and war fightingcohesion.•    The “Rule of Law” is fundamental to our Republic and security. Anarchy as seen in certain citiescannot be tolerated. We must support our law enforcement personnel and insist that DAs, ourcourts, and the DOJ enforce the law equally, fairly, and consistently toward all. •    The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night.Recent Democrat leadership’s inquiries about nuclear code procedures sends a dangerous nationalsecurity signal to nuclear armed adversaries, raising the question about who is in charge. We mustalways have an unquestionable chain of command.     Under a Democrat Congress and the Current Administration, our Country has taken a hard left turntoward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now byelecting congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our ConstitutionalRepublic. The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake.We urge all citizens to get involved now at the local, state and/or national level to elect politicalrepresentatives who will act to Save America, our Constitutional Republic, and hold those currently in office accountable. The “will of the people” must be heard and followed.  Signed by:RADM Ernest B . Acklin, USCG, ret.MG Joseph T. Anderson, USMC, ret.RADM Philip Anselmo, USN, ret.MG Joseph Arbuckle, USA, ret.BG John Arick, USMC, ret.RADM Jon W. Bayless, Jr. USN, ret.RDML James Best, USN, ret.BG Charles Bishop, USAF, ret.BG William A. Bloomer, USMC, ret.BG Donald Bolduc, USA, ret.LTG William G. Boykin, USA, ret.MG Edward R. Bracken, USAF, ret.MG Patrick H. Brady, MOH, USA, ret.VADM Edward S. Briggs, USN, ret.LTG Richard “Tex’ Brown III USAF, ret.BG Frank Bruno, USAF, ret.VADM Toney M. Bucchi, USN, ret.RADM John T. Byrd, USN, ret.BG Jimmy Cash, USAF, ret.LTG Dennis D. Cavin, USA, ret.LTG James E. C hambers, USAF, ret.MG Carroll D . Childers, USA, ret.BG C lifton C . “Tip” Clark, USAF, ret.VADM Ed Clexton, USN, ret.MG Jay Closner, USAF, retVADM John G. Cotton, USN (ret) MG Tommy F . Crawford, USAF, ret.MG Robert E. Dempsey, USAF, ret.BG Phillip Drew, USAF, ret.MG Neil L. Eddins, USAF, ret. RADM Ernest Elliot, USN, ret. BG Jerome V. Foust, USA, ret.BG Jimmy E. Fowler, USA, ret.RADM J. Cameron Fraser, USN, ret.MG John T. Furlow, USA, ret.MG Timothy F . Ghormley, USMC, ret.MG Francis C. Gideon, USAF, ret.MG William A. Gorton, USAF, ret.MG Lee V. Greer, USAF, ret.RDML Michael R. Groothousen, Sr., USN, ret.BG John Grueser, USAF, ret.MG Kent H. Hillhouse, USA (ret)MG Ken Hagemann, USAF, ret.BG Norman Ham, USAF, ret.VADM William Hancock, USN, ret.LTG Henry J. H atch, USA, ret.MG Harald G. Hermes, USAF (ret)BG James M. Hesson, USA, ret.MG Bill Hobgood, USA, ret.BG Stanislaus J. Hoey, USA, ret.MG Bob Hollingsworth, USMC, ret.MG Jerry D . Holmes, USAF, ret.MG Clinton V. Horn, USAF, ret.MG James P. Hunt, USAF, (ret)LTG Joseph E. Hurd, USAF, ret.VADM Paul Ilg, USN, ret.MG T. Irby, USA, ret.LTG Ronald Iverson, USAF, ret.RADM (L) Grady L. Jackson MG William K. James, USAF, ret.LTG James H. Johnson, Jr. USA, ret.ADM. Jerome L. Johnson, USN, ret.BG Charles Jones, USAF, ret.BG Robert R. Jordan, USA, ret.RADML Herbert C. Kaler, USN, retBG J ack H. Kotter, USA, ret.MG Anthony R. Kropp, USA, retBG Charles Kruse, ARNG, ret.. RADM Chuck Kubic, USN, ret.BG Jerry L. Laws, USA, ret.BG Douglas E. Lee, USA, ret.MG Vernon B. Lewis, USA, ret.MG Thomas G. Lightner, USA, ret.MG James E. Livingston, USMC, ret. MOH MG John D. L ogeman, USAF, ret.MG Jarvis Lynch, USMC, ret.LTG Fred McCorkle, USMC, ret.MG Don McGregor, USAF, r et. LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF, ret.RADM John H. McKinley, USN, ret.BG Michael P. McRaney, USAF, ret.BG Ronald S. Mangum, USA, ret.BG James M. Mead, USMC, ret.BG Joe Mensching, USAF, ret.RADM W. F . Merlin, USCG, ret.RADM (L) Mark Milliken, USN, ret.MG John F. Miller, USAF, ret.RADM Ralph M. Mitchell, Jr. USN, ret.MG P aul Mock, USA. ret.BG Daniel I. Montgomery, USA, ret.,   Posted 14th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  50. May 12 The New Jerusalem Peace Plan : LET THE WATER FALL : #NostroviaNews  NEW JERUSALEM IS BORN

    The World Embassy invites Humanity to help us all build the future now.

    To start out with i am suggesting and laying the groundwork for a Solar Glass Works to produce “Brick and Pane” from recycled glass, the Fabric House is to be built and ran there in the desert of Israel/Palestine at New Jerusalem, where we will produce the main building products and components to the new crystal city of New Jerusalem.

    I also have designed the The Krystal Haus, a small hexagonal modular building system that incorporates a 4m diameter hexagon modular room system with 2m x 2m wall panels.
    The World Embassy is currently searching for people to help with this start-up business/reality, who can help coordinate planning, logistics, and operations to arrange land and resources to begin production and begin building the World Embassy there at New Jerusalem.
    The World Embassy will be built near that location and serve as the facilitator to property and homes there at New Jerusalem where the 1st construction will be The World Embassy.
    New Jerusalem is located there between southern West-Bank and northern Gaza at the natural corridor of travel between the Two Islands of Palestine and northern and southern Israel.
    to be cont,

    aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : Day 130 : Jan.30, 2018 Posted 12th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  51. May 7 Beijing-bIDEN aborts “WE THE PEOPLE” into “we the people are the government”!!! abolishing ‘THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’!!! #NostroviaNewsEXCLUSIVE #NostroviaNews         PLEZ PLAY THESE TOGETHER FOR THE CORRECT EFFECT Posted 7th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  52. May 6 critcal race theory from selfhating_human_karl_marx #NostroviaNews  Posted 6th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  53. May 6 Russel Means FREEDOM #NostroviaNews part one two and three Russel Means Freedom
    Posted 6th May by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  54. Apr 30 seeing fraud is believing fraud #NostroviaNews STATE OF THE UNION OF_FRAUD&COMPLIANCE
    VACATE THE CAPITAL FOR THE EMPERORSAVE THE VIPS NAMED BY THE DICTATOR Posted 30th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  55. Apr 28 #NostroviaNews HISTORY RHYMING   Posted 28th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  56. Apr 26 THE MASKS ARE OFF : Nobel_B1Bomber_Prize #NostroviaNews  THE MOON BOMBER RETURNS don’t forget how he orbits on the bush monetary equatorial time line  #NostroviaNews nobel !Four B-1 bombers will be deployed to Norway as a show of strength to Russia as President Joe Biden's administration takes a stronger stance than the previous American administration NOBEL WAR ON NORD-STREAM-PIPELINE
    Posted 26th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  57. Apr 24 THE GREAT JUDISCHE RESET #NostroviaNews Posted 24th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  58. Apr 21 AGAIN?! der Führer obama has al-CIA-da(FSA) shooting CIA blanks??? to create whats required to cause the Russians to engage FSA/NATO #NostroviaNews Apr 30 2013 how and why do normal_ Russian airliners escape NATO grade surface to air stinger missiles ? (out of range.. shooting out of range on purpose..bad guidance systems.. Russian secret weapon…..)
    if its true the usK with der Führer b.Hussien obamaø now merely has to just insinuate the attempt or even the idea of any form of terror so that it can take martial counter-measures including full scale genocidal regime changing humanitarian invasions to remove the blight it created, in the case of Syria the FSA. The NATO/usK/OPEC support of the FSA is actually supporting and causing the wholesale murder of white skinned Christian Jewish and Muslim minorities and Shiites whose heritage in the region dates back  beyond the time of Joshua.
    NO one can not expect this to spill over into Europe proper!!!
    Now since NATO support has introduced the knowledge and practice of small scale chemical weapons use by the FSA and the small but effective use of it ???(march.2013) to kill and maim Syrian solders and citizens can also be sighted as use of chemical weapons in Syria, by Assad’s regime???
    the FSA-rebels are the fodder of NATO/usK /OPEC to introduce a “Drone War” against Assad and Syria.
    wake up HUMANS(?) you are being used for doormats of the corrupt supremacy that will never let a soldier have a place in the council of fraud and dis-empowerment.
    the false flags of amerika are the glory of treasonists who created the federal reserve and their followers and cronies that comprise the bilderberg group the trilateral commission and the council on foreign relations which are the heart and soul of the worlds most powerful politicians, monarchs and imperialists who have enacted and orchestrated agenda 21 and the beginning of the demise of humanity into a one world government NWO ultra totalitarian police state. All Sovereignty and human freewill must be restored or all will fall into oblivion under such pressure as to bleed all of humanity like grapes in a wine press… which is their plan…
    so when der Führer bHobamaø is conducting the throws necessary to initiate World War III and they are seen as counter-terrorism and therefore legal and that the overthrow of Sovereign Nations is either done at the signing of the bankers pen or in the acceptance of lead and Depleted Uranium into your heart and soul of your people and your nation, all people must make solidarity and resistance against der Führer bHobamaø with sanction against the usK and its tentacles that are its working apparatus of feeding and fighting.
    for any sort of human future of self determination we must all stand united in this resistance of usK with der Führer bHobamaø leading the world into a conflict(Armageddon) that will leave the financial markets completely broken causing the failure of the whole of the western world and possibly the whole financially connected world to seize up all production with the inability to restart their respective systems as the civil insurrections turn to civil wars and destroy the infrastructure completely leading to the first world wide famine that will lead to a Epidemic of Cannibalism and Mad-Maxism.
    der Führer bHobamaø is the king of death and destruction and under his guidance launches The Terminator(film) Sky-Net autonomous drone system(s)   (see D.A.R.P.A.)
    wallerstein Posted 21st April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!%20der%20F%C3%BChrer%20obama%20has%20al-CIA-da(FSA)%20shooting%20CIA%20blanks%3F%3F%3F%20to%20create%20whats%20required%20to%20cause%20the%20Russians%20to%20engage%20FSA%2FNATO%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  59. Apr 19 Intellectual Partisans World-Wide Sovereignty Center #NostroviaNews  The DEEP-STATE governments may now consider your act of simply clicking on this site or entering its URL as a act of terrorism and a hostile act to the USk government and its interests, be forewarned if you’ve reached this point its possibly too late if you’ve dialed in on a detectable source, so then please at this point copy and translate these pages into your native language, then send original and translations far and wide in any method and fashion you desire or that you can dream up, as it is one of the ultimate expressions of free-speech and freewill.
    The resultant universal seed of thought collaborated here at risk of life liberty and pursuit of happiness is on behalf of all humanity in defense of the same, with universal support it could do the same and support all people into sovereignty and self reliance and protect the Universe from the bad seed humanity is fast becoming.
    Thank you for your cooperation saving what’s precious, Freedom.
    aRLeon Wallerstein III 05082015 Posted 19th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  60. Apr 14 china/sabitinizionists/rothschilds steering NATO/usa into Themo-Nuclear-War with Russia for Crimia and Russian extermination!!! again #NostroviaNews  CHINA WITH ROTHSCHILDs STABBING RUSSIA IN BACK
    or collapsing eu/usa for invasion.
    staging both sides RUSSIA/PUTIN MUST FIND A WAY TO NOT LET WAR SUCCEEDthat is the goal of the depopulationists and head of the new world order … herr Xi via his boy Diktator obamao and rabid dogs. Posted 14th April by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!%20again%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
        Wir, das deutsche Volk, erklären, unser Land Deutschland ist ein souveränes unabhängiges Land. Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes wird durch Petition unser unabhängiger Souveränitätsstatus nach deutschem und internationalem Recht in Bezug auf die illegitime Bundesrepublik, den Marshall-Plan, den Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), die UN – WHO und die NATO für überragend erklärt, weil sie feindlich gegenüber dem souveränen unabhängigen Deutschland eingestellt sind.
        Es ist international allgemein bekannt, dass die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich, durch nachgewiesene dokumentierte Verschwörung, Hitler und die Nazis finanzierten und materiell unterstützten. Sie entschieden dann über das Gericht, das sie geschaffen hatten, um die von ihnen bestätigten und finanzierten Verbrechen, ein ausgesprochener rechtlicher Interessenkonflikt, zu verfolgen, und richteten, regierten und verurteilten Deutschland, die Nazis und damit das unschuldige deutsche Volk, das die Bundesrepublik delegitimiert , Marshall-Plan, Vertrag von Rom (EU – EZB), UN – WHO und NATO, und zeigt tatsächlich, dass die ursprüngliche “Verschwörung zur Unterstützung und Begünstigung der Nazis” bis heute unter neuen Titeln, geheimen Bündnissen und Verträgen fortbesteht.
        Dies sind die grundlegenden Tatsachen, die eindeutig die “Herstellung durch Verschwörung” der “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, die Unterzeichnung des Marshall-Plans von 1947 (unnötig ohne den Krieg, den USA, FR & UK verschworen und finanziert haben), beweisen und 1957 die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags von Rom durch die “illegitime” “Besatzung der Bundesregierung”, wodurch die Souveränität Deutschlands sowie anderer europäischer Nationen und Menschen illegal in die “gefälschte Europäische Union” abgetreten wurde.
        Festigung der Verschwörung und des Verbrechens mit dem endgültigen Verlust der nationalen Souveränität Deutschlands und Europas durch die geheime Herstellung und unbekannte Ratifizierung der transpazifischen und transatlantischen Handelsabkommen durch nicht gewählte EU-Politiker, die derzeit in verschiedene Handelsbereiche getarnt sind, Menschenrechts- und Medizinrechtskonventionen zwischen der EU und China (über die Seidenstraßeninitiative …) von nicht gewählten Vertretern Deutschlands und der EU gegen den Willen der Bürger ihres jeweiligen Landes sowie offen verfassungswidrige und unmoralische Verträge mit den Vereinten Nationen und der WHO.
         Solche Verträge stellen einen direkten Verstoß gegen den Nürnberger Kodex und die Genfer Konvention dar (weil sie sicherstellen, dass Unternehmen international über die Menschenrechte herrschen können, die Umsatzpläne von Unternehmen kontrollieren (Zuverlässigkeit der Anleger) und das Leben unschuldiger Opfer von Bürgern medizinisch dominieren gegen nationale und internationale Medizinrechts- und Menschenrechtskonventionen).
        Es ist illegal und durch Verschwörung der EU und anderer nationaler und internationaler Organisationen, Unternehmen und Regierungen, Bürger der nationalen Verfassungsregierungen zu zwingen, die Vertretung und den Rechtsschutz durch ihr individuelles nationales Verfassungsgesetz zu verlieren. Die EU ist zu einem Gefängnis um “We The People” geworden, dem sie dienen und das sie schützen soll, wobei die EU-Politiker die Gefängniswärter sind.
        Deshalb unterzeichnen wir, das deutsche Volk, diese Petition auch als Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Regierung der deutschen Bundesrepublik (amerikanische, britische und französische Besatzungsregierung), der EU – EZB, der UN – WHO und der NATO.
        Mit der Ratifizierung dieser Unabhängigkeitserklärung endet die Besetzung Deutschlands.
        Der Vertrag zwischen dem deutschen Volk und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sieht vor:
        1) in 1 Monat offene demokratische Wahlen für alle Kontrollpositionen dieser neuen Verfassungsrepublik abzuhalten.
        2) und in einem weiteren Monat wird eine neue Verfassung durch die Wahl der Wähler ihrer deutschen Verfassung geschaffen.
        3) Nach Ablauf dieser zweimonatigen Frist sind alle bestehenden gefälschten oder rechtswidrigen Verträge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nichtig, da sie auf der Grundlage von Verschwörung und Betrug entstanden sind. Legitime und gewaltfreie Verträge werden unter den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Geschäftstiteln der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik überprüft und möglicherweise erneuert.
        Durch die Vollmacht des deutschen Volkes durch Petition und einfache faire und offene demokratische Wahlen zur Abschaffung der bestehenden “Besatzung der Bundesregierung” und zur Gründung der Deutschen Verfassungsrepublik und Schaffen der Voraussetzungen und Eckpfeiler “Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück” für jede souveräne und nicht souveräne Person und Nation weltweit.
        Deutsche unterschreiben hier, X: _________________________, Datum: _______    __,Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        Nichtdeutsche mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, X: __________________, Datum: ________ __.Adresse:_________________________________________________________
        X: Weltbotschafter aRLeon wallerstein iii, 31 März 2021, Berlin, Deutschland  

    Posted 31st March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости Labels: DEUTSCHE UNABHÄNGIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG Petition 0 Add a comment
  62. Mar 23 deadBaBys_netanyahu plays haman NAZI ALERT!!! Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code #NostroviaNews   Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code March 22, 2021 from Humans Are Free: The group believes that Jews are being experimented on en masse, in a program similar to the Nazi regime in Germany. Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system. In Israel, Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination Means ‘Your Life Is Basically Over’ TRUTH LIVES on at
    Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines. Reporting for Church Militant, Jules Gomes wrote: The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.” “When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states. Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement with Pfizer and Netanyahu’s own admission make it clear that Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign “is indeed a medical experiment and that this was the essence of the agreement.” The complaint has now been accepted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and will be considered. The Nuremberg Code was “written after Nazi doctors were put on trial for performing their medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, stipulates that it is deeply unethical to force or coerce a person to take part in medical experiments,” according to a Jewish anthropologist. Those behind the lawsuit believe this is especially relevant after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called Israel the “world’s lab” due to its ready acceptance of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine. This comes after an Israeli group decried the country’s green passport system, which allows only those who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine or developed immunity from the virus to engage in commerce and leave their homes, as “demonic” and a “second Holocaust.” National File reported: “What happened that we have strayed so far into a delirious state of total insanity? Where people are actually cheering on this demonic, wicked agenda? My grandfather was the only survivor out of his whole family of the Holocaust, and this is exactly how it started: With discrimination, with essential and nonessential businesses, with people saying that Jews were second class citizens,” said Rosinger. “Now, it’s not about Jews, it’s not about Arab, it’s not about that. It’s about who will take the vaccination.” He added, “If you don’t do it, you’re wicked, you’re evil, you’re a second class citizen.” Rosinger then explained the level of what he believes to be manipulation and coercion that are being employed in Israel to convince citizens to take the vaccine and become part of the green passport system. “High level government officials are saying you should send the police to people’s houses that aren’t being vaccinated. Release the names of people that aren’t being vaccinated,” said Rosinger. “Go to their houses? Release their names? What kind of manipulation, what kind of bullying, what kind of wicket, tyrannical agenda is this?” Read More @ Posted 23rd March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  63. Mar 22 MARCH 22, 2021, 3.5 years after Revelations XII Sign September 23, 2017 #NostroviaNews  VACCINE MACHT FREIHEIT  – Chinese Green Passport China (requests? WHO/UN) New World Order Policing Powers to be implemented worldwide March 23, 2021. Revelation XII Sign-September 23, 2017, sunrise + Days 365 + 365 + 366 +182.5 = March 22, 2021 sunset (evening)aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : 3.5 years aRXII : March 22, 2021   Posted 22nd March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    MIRV & nuclear tech to china/nk 1996 – clintons *?**
    BOMBED & INVADED YUGOSLAVIA 1999 – clintons** 911 and Patriot Act – bush2* **
    NDAA2012 Sect.D, 1021-1031 obamao * **
    Concentration-Camps-14mil. 2007 – bush2* **
    Guillotines await – bush2* ** and obamao* **
    FEMA coffins and mortuaries where bodies can be stored & viewed are made ready – bush2* ** and obamao* **Belligerent Journalist Military Law 2015 – obamao* **
    patriotic, conservative and christian Americans labeled domestic terrorists 2021 – biden* **
    * voter fraud ** blackmail, extortion, racketeering, murder/suicide, Posted 20th March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  65. Mar 10 #NostroviaNews WHY JEWS CRITICIZE NAZI-ZIONIST JEWS WHO HITLER FORGED INTO A SWORD TO CONQUER ISRAEL AND ITS NATIVE PEOPLE AND ATTACK CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDE  ‘AmeiKa’s Death Wish’ Posted 10th March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  66. Mar 5 #NostroviaNews : WHAT WAS IN THOSE ENVELOPES AT THE BUSH FUNERAL? [2018-12-06] (VIDEO) Posted 5th March by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    Posted 22nd February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  68. Feb 16 WORLD EMBASSY’S CONDEMNATION OF NETANYAHU-GOVERNMENT”S “GAZA HOLOCAUST” OF 2014 : #NostroviaNews : #GazaHolocaust To the People of Earth,
    The World Embassy officially condemns Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza, and calls on the World to intervene. What that may entail depends on the responses and reactions of Israel and her political body and whether or not they abruptly completely end their siege on Gaza and Palestine and allow in humanitarian relief. Furthermore Israel must allow other Nations and Organizations to come into Gaza and Palestine via Israel with such relief as necessary, and that the border opening on Gaza and Palestine be permanently opened so that Palestine proper can run its own side of its border with Israel and have normally operating seaports and airports where they can come and go freely and receive foreign nationals and shipments at their own power and will, as well as have the freewill power to come and go from their state in Gaza to their state in the West Bank,  as well pass through Israel on their way to and from all places, as is the custom in all peaceful nations that conduct normal peacetime business with their neighboring nations, naturally serious criminals as is Bibi Netanyahu can not just come and go as they please and must go through much bureaucracy to travel if it is even ever legal at all, so the same would be for serious criminals with convictions in a fair court would also not be allowed passage through other nations at that nations demand.
    Also an immediate removal of all walls and barriers that make Israel an Apartheid State over Palestine,and an extension of Israeli citizenship and rights to all Palestinians as dual Israeli and Palestinian citizens and therefore receive the benefits of being occupied and having lost the majority of their land to Israeli Settler Jews requiring due compensation and restitution from Israel including the relocation to and or the replacement of their homes, villages, farms, and Nation with adequate resources that it is possible to create and have Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
    The further need to bring those to justice that are responsible for these latest hostilities that surmounted into the current conflict which is to be known as the “Gaza Holocaust of 2014″ and shall be set forth from here onward with the worldwide formation of a Grand Jury that will adequately be able without due prejudice to find justice and set forth the World as Court Bailiff to fulfill the sentencing and necessary punishment required to constrain , arrest and or eliminate the current Israeli political body that empowers  and causes the IDF to practice and commit War Crimes of genocide on Palestine while clearly stating one of its goals is to is kill all Palestinian Mothers, who as M.P. Ayelet Shaked and a IDF spokeswoman claims bare as their offspring terrorists that are Palestinian children.
    In full knowledge of the actuality that this and others supporting and equally weighted statements may result in a full force military regime change against Israel, is not my responsibility, but that of Netanyahu and his Government, and the citizens and Jews of the Nation of Israel, the World Embassy takes no responsibility for how the world reads, interprets, responds, and reacts to this call for legal punitive action against Israel, again that is only in the hands of the criminal who commits such barbarous criminal acts.
    People, Organizations, Nations and States may try to say this statement is politicized as i would naturally agree, but they can not state that i am a self hating Jew or anti-Semitic or that this statement is anti-Semitic or against the Nation of Israel, but rather a chance for Israelis and Jews worldwide to understand the fast approaching problem and reality of Armageddon and avert it.
    As i have stated in the past and reiterate now as the official spokesperson and standing Ambassador of the World Embassy: “I worship my Mother Creation at the Tree of Liberty”.
    Here within this Beautiful Bloodless Revolution Journal is a road map to peace that will provide that we all may get along and grow as required as humans on Earth and in a vast Cosmos of knowns and unknowns.
    Robert L Wallerstein III, World Ambassador, the Fourth of August TwoThousandFourteen   Posted 16th February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  69. Feb 15 ameriKan Traitor-mcconnel blackmails trump with conviction block of 17 GOP senators in lieu of Assanage pardon #NostroviaNews WATCH POOPOO-pELOSI MAKE e-swallowswell-sWALWELL TWINDLE HIS THUMBS FOR BEING A COWARD TRAITOR CHI-COM SPY AND INFILTRATOR TO NUKE AMERICANS @12:21 Posted 15th February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  70. Feb 12 ILLEGITIMATE DICTATOR TRAITOR QUID PRO HOE joe TO IMPRISON FLORIDIANS ???! #NostroviaNews Posted 12th February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  71. Feb 2 millions & or billions to get auto-immune diseases + millions & or billions to die #NostroviaNews How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions – Judy Mikovits | Dr. Mercola        MORE
    Posted 2nd February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  72. Feb 2 HERE WE GO AGAIN; obaMAO-(Q)uidPro-joseph-Stalin-bejing-biden and superfriends #NostroviaNews
    THE BUBBLE OF BABEL TO BURST . the FAMINE is just beginning: reprint Jul 19, 2012     Is the coming famine of 2012 a government false flag operation against the sovereignty of the American people? Its well-known that the U.S. military has capabilities to control the weather (HARP in Alaska), and that this years dry spell is a recipe for total economic and material infrastructure collapse. Over the last 20 years the United States has drastically reduced its surplus food stocks and currently it may be discovered mother Hubbard’s cupboards are relatively bare and therefore famine driven Americans can easily be led or driven into FEMA relocation/concentration camps for food and protection from looters and militias, although their lot will be no better in the FEMA encampments. Under the coming conditions of dollar collapse, WWIII with Syria Iran and Russia to start with, and armed military forces attempting to breach the U.S. constitutions 2nd amendment and disarm Americans, their wont be many places to run and hide.  America is a failed state transforming into a gulag state 100 percent and now the American people must learn who their new masters are.
        Strange how it all has come to a head here just before the possible re-election of the most illegal head of state ever in the history of the world, the son of the notorious hardcore anti-American communist Frank Marshall Davis, Barry Soetoro or whatever his original name was, known by his alias Mr UN-President Barack Hussein Obamao, who in a treasonous act against the U.S. Constitution actually makes and takes the U.N.’s marching orders and has functioned as the U.N. Security Counsel Chairman, and fails to adhere to the Laws and Rules mandated by the U.S.Constitution by following the orders of Congress and the Senate through illegal Executive Orders has turned the Office of the President of the United States of America into a dictatorship and has created a situation where full violation of Posse Comitatus is underway with the U.S. Military setting up encampments, checkpoints and military invasions within public and private areas in the U.S.exemplified in Chicago May 2012 when Martial Law was instituted for the NATO conference.
        Obamao will undoubtedly be reelected, his friends, via George Soros, in Spain control the vote count for 26 states.
        America get ready to lose your dream and your lives.
    You for too long have allowed your government and your military to go and kill innocent people and destroy beautiful civilizations and their coexistent nature,
    You America have been the whore of the world and prostituted yourself for your comfort,  vanity,and the fortune of the global bankers who now want more blood, yours this time!!!
    You the American people have forgotten our faithful imperfect leaders King and Kennedy.
    have you also forgotten what is the value of freedom? and therefore the cost.
    you shall find out soon enough, by your petty insults against truth and logic, you America have deprived our innocents to pay the penalty in full for the crimes of your corruption.
    arise AMERICA and while you have the last chance MARCH ON WASHINGTON AND DECLARE A PERMANENT GENERAL STRIKE TILL THE VALUES OF WASHINGTON, KING AND KENNEDY ARE FULFILLED WITH CORRECT ACTION, that means bringing down the race barrier and shutting down the Federal Reserve Bank and the World Monetary Fund, and withdrawing from NATO and the UN who use American military resources for obtaining their un-American objectives including the latest act of giving full support to Al-Qaeda to go forward from the conquest of Libya and murder of Gaddafi to the announcement of their goal in Syria to run out all the Christian-Syrians and murder all the Jewish-Syrians.
        There needs to be a permanent encampment on Washington DC to resist the current erosion and destruction of the US Constitution by the office of the President of the United States and that the convening American people demand that the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obamao, aka Barry Soetoro be arrested, impeached, and deposed  immediately before he causes any more harm to the precious US Constitution which is the soul of the American people, the USA, and the hope of the World of a permanent redress against tyranny so that all humans may enjoy Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
        Obamao’s crimes include forgery, perjury, torture, murder, mass-murder/genocide,attempted murder, attempted mas murder/genocide and attempted torture, conspiracy, embezzlement and treason, to name a few.
    The illegal president of the US, herr Obamao must be arrested and charged and then an immediate and speedy trial will have the chance to put an end (treason is punishable by death in the USA) to this disgraceful period of American and World history that has almost destroyed America and the World, and with justice cause a repeal of all the laws created at the hands of these liars and war criminals, and a full reinstatement of the US Constitution including the repealing of the Patriot act, the North American Union with its counterpart NAFTA, and the Prohibition of Marijuana,  just to begin with.
        During and after all this rearranging of the American social and material machine, it will be necessary to prosecute the crimes of the Bush and Clinton crime families and other documented globalist who now have come out with their current ongoing actions, plans and conspiracies to commit mass murder through their access and influence of the politics, power and economic structure of the different nations of the world, where their influence and implementation of the UN’s Agenda 21 is causing many, if not all of the circumstances where innocent people are being mass murdered worldwide by foreign troops(genocide) and their own nations militias (diocide or democide).
        Now its your responsibility, yes you the American people, to attempt to constrain the military industrial complex and the pyramid of technocrats that dominate it and now the American People and land.
        A necessary immediate return to the “George Washington” America and the cutting of all contracts and foreign obligations military and civilian, so that all the internal conflict and deprivation in American can be immediately ended and a reacquisition of jobs and services to the good working hands of the American people.
    With the necessary green revolution currently underway yet inhibited by the current financial stall and permanent down turn due to growing interest rates that will foreclose on all properties and businesses in some small given time, it is possible with good old-fashioned elbow grease to build the currently available green living infrastructure into a thriving Steady State Economy.
        Why?, so that you and your kin may enjoy the true wealth of the American dream, any less and no one will enjoy a metaphorical worldwide Berlin style post war collapse after the final great war.
        World War III will be nuclear, wake up, it has already begun just ask anyone in the Middle-east
    and demand the values of King, Kennedy and Washington and an end to the Federal Reserve Bank and the World Monetary Fund, and the implementation of the WORLD EMBASSY in their place.
    SAVE THE HUMANS!!!…and the rest will follow
    aRLeon Wallerstein III  Jul 19, 2012 Posted 2nd February by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  73. Jan 24 whats Ur nest read: US CongreSS plans to execute Conservatives and USA-Patriots via National-Socialist False-Flag-Ops., expressions, colaborated planning and legislative actions. #NostroviaNews

    upholstery in US House of CongreSSÜBER ALLE IN SWASTIKAS!!!
    Posted 24th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  74. Jan 24 Day1220aRXII > 55 days till March 22 2021 : The World Embassy, what it does and who functions it. #NostroviaNews      The World Embassy is the seat of the World Ambassador, whose work is to organize the philosophical and logistical efforts to send Diplomatic Emissaries worldwide to create the conditions were all people are recognized as Sovereign People, Nations and or States. This will be the necessary groundwork if we ever expect to end human and environmental exploitation set upon those of underprivileged classes without Representative Sovereign Governments.    The World Embassy is the functioning arm of The World Union of Sovereign Nations and Peoples, and it’s only material infrastructure.
         The World Embassy is to be run by the exiled leaders that were elected by the majority of their people. These Emissaries will make the diplomatic missions to the people, states, nations and unrecognized ethnic-ancestral lands worldwide, they will not intervene in the country they come from so as not to create a conflict of interest, where violence could ensue or follow.
         The Emissaries will create a bridge between the different people of the countries they enter, by educating and co-finding possible scenarios of green energy trading that can be contractually guaranteed with a new non-coerced (without force) peace treaty that gives such populations State or Sub-Nation status and lets their inhabitants govern themselves and their territory.      This is the ethical decentralizing of government that is needed to bring about a conscious grass-roots green recovery of the planet worldwide.
         The World Embassy is NOT a world government or a way to seize power from people and nations. It is a functioning body that works to restore the human rights of sovereign and non-sovereign people under threat worldwide and to raise awareness as to their flight and help restore their way of life through cooperative peace efforts and never resorting to violence.The World Embassy will have no weapons and very little if any protection, as well its Emissaries and Delegates will not be armed or escorted by any militias.
    When the people of planet Earth realize this is the only work to be done at the crucible of World War III and Armageddon, then and only then will their be a chance for universal peace here on our only home, Earth.
             Furthermore this kind of behavior while ensure our (humanity’s) entrance into the Universe, Space Colonization and Tera-forming will be peaceful and organic(without chemicals that cause rearrangement of DNA), which have the potential to throw most pre-existing bio-systems out of balance and into a codependent state, such is as how the human race has become with respect to it’s environment at the current time more than ever in all recorded human history.
         Welcome everyone to our last chance to SAY “NO” to the New World Order and Agenda 21 where the U.N. effectively through war, economic strangulation and ecocide plan to decrease the population from 66.6%-90%, these figures represent the wishes of Bible thumpers through to selfish self-hating neo-liberal -conservatives crowned by the global elite.    Let us first and continue to employ and attempt diplomacy world wide with the ideals and efforts of The World Embassy before we EVER let our world leaders throw us into a full scale world war and thermonuclear warfare or war of attrition and retribution. If World War III is allowed to breakout it will set us back to a stone age existence with little resources that will be radioactively contaminated for hundreds to tens of thousands of years depending on the type of nuclear release. With Fukashima still billowing radioactive ash, smoke and hot radioactive particulates, the use of nuclear weapons seems to be highly desensitized, but still will be devastating and could send Earth into Nuclear Winter and a Ice Age.
         Please people of Earth hear my request that we all work together to create diplomatic solutions for all the problems in your vicinity, by doing so you will lay the red carpet for the World Embassy to travel near and far and create the necessary peace that the majority of humans wish and hope for.
    Thank You and “Blessing to all life”
    The Third of April, TwoThousandTwelve, Earth
    aRLeon The Sovereign : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : April 3, 2012

    Posted 24th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  75. Jan 24 OPEN NATIONAL-SOCIALISM ON DISPLAY BY DEMS-BLM/ANTIFA #NostroviaNews   …RACISM IN THE NAME OF ANTI-RACISM Posted 24th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  76. Jan 18 1965
       Posted 18th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
    police escorted most protestors peacefully along side
    antifa attacks Sovereignity for little-g.sorrosantifa and boogaloo leftist MAOraders and stupid Qs assaulted the police

      STORMING OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING: False Flag Operation Executed by Deep State to Crush the Patriot Movement Posted on January 7, 2021 by State of the Nation
         SOTN Editor’s Note: As for the CIA’s meticulously stage-managed drama at The Capitol Building, here it is:
    OPERATION GLADIO C This Captivating D.C. Drama Was Staged
    by the Left to Demonize the Right
    and to Terminate GOP Objections to
    the Electoral College Vote Fraud,
    Which It Did in the Dead of the Night SOTN Exclusive The Democrats were desperate to shut down the congressional objections to the Electoral College votes.  Once various U.S. senators expressed their objections — battleground state by battleground state — the truth about the brazenly stolen election was televised for the first time since the steal occurred.  Deep State would not permit the evidence to be disseminated like this—way too damning!  The official record of the Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 6 would forever contain conclusive evidence of the stolen 2020 POTUS election. So, they staged a dramatic swarming of The Capitol Building (TCB) in order to DISTRACT everyone’s attention.  This black operation was led by AntiFa anarchists disguised as Trump supporters.  That’s why the security at TCB was so lax—to permit the storming of the building so that Trumpsters would look bad.  It’s true that there were many MAGA protesters among those who entered TCB, but they were there to STOP THE STEAL.  Given the “soft coup by stolen ballot” that was being rubber-stamped by the U.S. Congress, the MAGA protesters have every right to shut down the unlawful, treasonous process. The Democrats (and Deep State) had to do something quite scary in order to compel the Congressional Republicans to abandon their fight to decertify the Electoral College votes.  What better way that to orchestrate a fake takeover of The Capitol Building.  They even choreographed a number of photo-ops in Pelosi’s office (see this photo) and the well of the U.S. Senate chambers (see this photo).  Once these ‘shocking’ photographs make their way around the Congress, inside the Beltway and the Internet, the Left will use them as a false justification to crack down on the Right as never before. The bottom line here is that the storming of TCB was a meticulously engineered false flag black operation overseen by the U.S. Intelligence Community to include the FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, etc.  Which is precisely why the protestors faced virtually no resistance from law enforcement as they breached what little security was quite intentionally set up.  In fact, the whole thing was an obvious set-up with several aims and purposes, some of which will become clear in the coming days.  In a phrase, this globalist-manufactured false flag event will be used as the “Reichstag fire” was used by Hitler to consolidate his power right after he was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany in 1933.  Biden was essentially installed as the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich. Sound familiar?! — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer See how they do it? Works like a charm every time! JFK Assassination Oklahoma City Bombing Waco Siege & Massacre 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Sandy Hook Mass Shooting Mandalay Bay Massacre Storming of The Capitol Building Let’s be very clear that the “Storming of the Capitol” will be used by the communist Democrat Party, the seditious Deep State and the New World Order globalist cabal as a means to criminalize the Patriot Movement.  This state-sponsored false flag op was quite purposefully carried out as the “Reichstag fire of the Third Millennium”. KEY POINT: At the core of it, this false flag black operation was fundamentally a Gladio operation known specifically as OPERATION GLADIO C.  Operation Gladio was established post World War II as the terrorist arm of NATO, also known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. State of the Nation
    January 7, 2021 Recommended ReadingThis entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.     Posted 18th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  78. Jan 17 16Nov2019 REPRINT: …reason for migrant crisis created by poopy pope, obamao, hitlery, amerkel and little-g.soros #NostroviaNews     mandatory western (smithglaxoklein,bayer…CDC!!!) vaccinations starting now in Germany!!! and RFID tracking for all non-hasidic jews starting in USA??? trump/kushner/soros making it so???!!! all world power will be moved to Jerusalem, netanyaho and trump are not great men to follow biblical narrative but are in fact following the blueprint warned against by God and Christ in Revelations verified by Rev. 12 Sign sept 23 2017 which was the beginning of the Biblical Seven Year Tribulation before total destruction by God at the end of it, I believe. you cant make it up , its proven over time, The Bible. and the Flagellum Motor is now dissected and understood so you will know God who made Adam and can pivot on the Revelation XII Sign to Gods side and conduct the war (opposition) against the rival power to God which appears to be manifest in the spirit of socialism which denies human achievement and endeavor that is Providence. Aloha Humanity aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : day 785 aRXII : 16Nov2019/5780 Posted 17th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости…reason%20for%20migrant%20crisis%20created%20by%20poopy%20pope%2C%20obamao%2C%20hitlery%2C%20amerkel%20and%20little-g.soros%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  79. Jan 14 #NostroviaNews  22nd March 2021 = 365 + 365 + 366 + (365/2) – 67 days after Revelations XII sign (23rd Sept.2017)T- 67 days till full Gog-Mogog WarGoogle-mark-to-buy-sell.  Posted 14th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  80. Jan 13 THE MOON BOMBER RETURNS don’t forget how he orbits on the bush monetary equatorial time line #NostroviaNews
     how nobel
    Posted 13th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  81. Jan 13 Fauci admits coronavirus vaccines don’t prevent infection

    (Natural News) Getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could maybe, possibly, reduce some of the symptoms associated with infection, says Anthony Fauci, but recipients should not expect to be protected against actual infection. America’s top government “doctor” told the media the other day that President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” jabs are wholly unable to protect recipients against “catching” the novel virus, especially during the first round of injections. They should still get penetrated for the China virus, however, because doing so is good, or something. “The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill,” Fauci proclaimed at Yahoo Finance‘s recent All Markets Summit. “If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great. [But] what I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint to prevent clinically recognizable disease.” Other than spread more disease, it is unclear thus far in what way COVID-19 vaccines might be beneficial. Fauci agrees, which is why he is still pushing the vaccinated to remain socialistically distanced and masked at all times. Fauci says Trump administration claim that natural herd immunity can be achieved without vaccination is “total nonsense” Fauci has been having a lot of trouble lately keeping his story straight. Early on, he claimed that only about 60 percent of America would need a WuFlu vaccine in order to eradicate the virus, or maybe just the symptoms, or something. That figure later crept up to more than 85 percent. When pressed, Fauci admitted that he makes up numbers on the fly based on public opinion polls. The more people that seem willing to get jabbed, the higher Fauci’s “herd” immunity threshold, he confessed. It will take a little while for the production lines to churn out enough vaccines for everyone, however. There will not be enough vaccine doses for the entire country until around March, he says, which for the time being means that everyone needs to continue living in nonstop fear. The Trump administration has suggested that perhaps herd immunity can be achieved naturally without the need for China virus jabs, but Fauci says this is “total nonsense.” According to Fauci, getting vaccinated is the only way out of the “pandemic,” regardless of never having a vaccine end a pandemic before in human history, and the public need not worry because the vaccines are all “safe and effective.” “One of the things I’m concerned about in the United States is that part of the anti-science translates maybe into anti-vaccine,” Fauci mumbled and whined during another recent interview. “It would really be a shame if we have a safe and effective vaccine, but a substantial proportion of the people do not want to take the vaccine because they don’t trust authority. That would really be unfortunate if that’s the case.” When, and only when, a bulk of the population agrees to be injected with Big Pharma chemicals, the country can move towards some semblance of new normality, Fauci insists. As for a “second wave” of the virus, Fauci thinks the world is still in the throes of the first one. Perhaps he is saying this because it was already shown that there is no “second wave” and the “pandemic” is over – and has been for quite some time. “No matter how you look at it, it’s not good news,” Fauci threatened, pushing listeners to roll up their sleeves and get ready for injection during the first quarter of 2021. Up-to-the-minute news about the Chinese virus can be found at Sources for this article include: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
    Tags: Anthony Fauci, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Big Pharma, coronavirus, covid-19, immunization, infection, infections, pandemic, Plandemic, vaccination, vaccines, Wuhan coronavirus
    Bypass censorship by sharing this link: New Copy URL 2,810Views Posted 13th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  82. Jan 13 The Treaty With Democracy #NostroviaNews It is necessary to have geniuses craft and write up cooperative forms of governments and then have the proletariat consent to a agreeable form of genius, the reason being is that democracy will insure the best conditions for the majority and by way of “might is right” force exclude others to the degree that they will have to resort to forms of opposition that can inevitably lead to terrorism and all out war. Twenty-Seventh of January Two-Thousand-Ten aRLeon First Amendment; Therefore it must be a necessary action for a democratic society to preemptively arrest the constitutional, civil and human rights of the minority to ensure that the minority will not inevitably lead themselves into such a contrary position of opposition that the majority would feel threatened with terrorism and all out war. Twentieth of March Two-Thousand-Eleven aRLeon the Sovereign   Posted 13th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  83. Jan 13 Rate of adverse events caused by coronavirus vaccines 50x higher than flu shots #NostroviaNews

    (Natural News) The number of people suffering serious adverse events following vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is 50 times higher than the number for seasonal flu shots, new reports indicate. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is seeing a surge in new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injury that is massively outpacing similar cases for influenza vaccines and other jabs. Through Dec. 22, with fewer than one million doses of China virus vaccines distributed, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) VAERS platform received 307 reports of emergency room visits, as well as 17 “life threatening” events. There have also been a number of deaths reported, which is deeply concerning when considering the fact that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have only been available to the public for less than a month. “In 2019-2020, about 175 million flu vaccine doses were given,” tweeted former New York Times reporter and Tell Your Children author Alex Berenson. “1220 ER visits and 73 ‘life threatening’ events were reported. The data is on the CDC VAERS Website.” Despite offering a few caveats for why there is this massive disparity, Berenson was basically forced to conclude that something is seriously wrong with COVID-19 vaccines that is causing a much higher share of patients to fall seriously ill or die after getting jabbed. “… the first Covid vaccine doses have mostly been given to healthy people in settings where problems can be quickly treated,” Berenson notes, further indicting the jabs for affecting healthy people in a profoundly negative way. “These problems are occurring BEFORE the rollout to older, less healthy people – and before the 2nd dose, which is known to be far more dangerous.” Put bluntly, only stupid people are getting vaccinated for coronavirus In the end, all of this simply confirms what Berenson admits was recognizable in the clinical trials – even though we know that clinical trials tend to understate real-world problems rather than overstate them. “… because any smart drug company will try to bias the trials in its favor,” Berenson says. All of that to say, getting vaccinated for the WuFlu is an exceptionally dangerous endeavor, especially since Big Pharma holds no liability for injury or death. Vaccine-injured people are completely on their own, in other words. Considering the risk of getting sick, let alone dying, from the Chinese virus itself is next to nil, it makes no sense whatsoever to get vaccinated for it – especially when the risk of being harmed from the vaccine is higher than the risk of developing symptoms from natural infection. The medical deep state will continue to push it on the masses, of course, even try to make it mandatory, but stand your ground and just say no, for the protection of you and your family. And kudos to Berenson for being brave enough to tell the truth about these shots when so many others refuse to do so. Anthony Fauci and everyone else peddling them are guilty of crimes against humanity, and their day will come – hopefully sooner rather than later. “It’s an experimental vaccine, i.e. not fully tested even according to the manufacturer’s schedule, and therefore must fall under the umbrella of human rights violations if it’s forced upon people,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter. “It also violates the Nuremberg Code of informed consent,” another responded. “These vax companies and Bill Gates know just how deadly they are … and vax companies are immune from prosecution for death or injury from the vax. Gates needs to be hanged from a lamppost and left swinging like a piñata while we have a shot at him with bats.” More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at Sources for this article include: NaturalNews.comRate of adverse events caused by coronavirus vaccines 50x higher than flu shots Tuesday, January 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
    Tags: 50 times higher, adverse events, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, CCP, China Virus, Chinese Communist Party, Chinese Virus, coronavirus, covid-19, Flu shots, pandemic, Plandemic, side effects, vaccination, vaccine wars, vaccines, Wuhan coronavirus
    Bypass censorship by sharing this link: New Copy URL 5,600Views Posted 13th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  84. Jan 10 vaccine ?? – humans 0 : Miami doctor dies after receiving first dose of Pfizer vaccine #NostroviaNews : Miami doctor dies after receiving first dose of Pfizer vaccine

    (Natural News) As the US sees 4K confirmed COVID-19 deaths in a single day, the CDC is reporting another shocking potential reaction to the new mRNA-vector COVID-19 vaccines: A doctor in Miami has died two weeks after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab. (Article by Tyler Durden republished from The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in…Posted by Heidi Neckelmann on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 Heidi Neckelmann, the widow of Dr. Gregory Michael, said her husband was vaccinated on Dec. 18, and died 16 days later. He was 56 years old, according to Sputnik. Patients typically receive a second dose of the vaccine 3 weeks after the first. Neckelmann also shared the news in a Facebook post, cited above. “In my mind his death was 100 percent linked to the vaccine. There is no other explanation,” she said. “He was in very good health. He didn’t smoke, he drank alcohol once in a while but only socially. He worked out, we had kayaks, he was a deep sea fisherman,” she added. What’s more, the doctor started to experience unusual symptoms, and three days after vaccination, small spots began to appear on Gregory Michael’s feet and hands. In response, he went to the emergency room at Mount Sinai. As his blood count was not in the normal ranges, he was admitted to the ICU, his wife told Sputnik. Shortly after, he suffered a stroke and died. Three days after vaccination, small spots began to appear on Gregory Michael’s feet and hands. In response, he went to the emergency room at Mount Sinai. As his blood count was not in the normal ranges, he was admitted to the intensive care unit, according to Heidi Neckelmann. Unfortunately, shortly after, he suffered a stroke and died. According to Darren Caprara, director of operations at the Miami-Dade medical examiner’s office, Gregory Michael’s death is the first that the county medical examiner’s office has seen where a COVID-19 vaccine could have played a role. Earlier, Carlos Palestino, the brother-in-law of Mexican doctor Karla Cecilia Perez, was paralyzed hours after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports. There have been several anecdotal reports about patients dying after receiving the vaccine in Europe, the US and elsewhere, in both trials, and during the emergency phase of the rollout. Read more at:  Posted 10th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  85. Jan 8 #NostrovisNews demoncrats and coward pence & co. recreate Kent-DC claiming to have saved the Republic     and blame nonviolent???!!! occupying AmeriCans for The Second Pearl Harbor they (demoncrats and coward pence & co) release with Criminal-harris-biden-Administration and their Mad-Max dystopic plan for ameriKa via the fraudulent DC christened 2020 election  as DC and federal (secret service?!) agents of the DC-swamp cold bloodily gunned-down 1 2 4 innocent human beings (U.S.Citzens) seeking their U.S.Constitutional Rights which have been violated and threaten to be abolished by the fraudulent democratically run “Theft” of the 2020 U.S. Election of Congress, The U.S.Senate and The Executive Presidential Branch of U.S.Representative government to which they protested, occupied the U.S.Capitol and attempted to halt the fraudulent elections progression and illegal certification.
    Day 1204 aRXII 73 days till MARCH 22 2021
    Posted 8th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  86. Jan 7 WE THE PEOPLE #NostroviaNews     We the People demand our Rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness and the peaceful path to them. Blessing to Ashley Babbitt and the 200 million innocent people murdered by left_Marxism/Nazism in the last century.  aRLeon der Souveraen : World Ambassador ; rlwallersteinIII : Day 1203 aRXII :7Jan2020 Posted 7th January by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  87. Dec 31 #NostroviaNews TROLL TROVE : Full list of TRAITOR media outlets that accepted “sponsored trips” from communist China to oppress the truth in America: These are the ENEMIES of the people Wednesday, December 30, 2020 by: Mike Adams
    (Natural News) A stunning list of media outlets that have accepted “sponsored trips” from communist China to suppress the truth (and terrorize their own audiences with fake news lies) has now been published by The National Pulse. As TNP explains: The effort, according to the U.S. government report, aims to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.” Dubbed “familiarization trips,” the criteria for participants included “effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage” in order to secure “favorable” coverage”… Here’s the full list: Vox
    Boston Herald
    Boston Globe
    Huffington Post
    The Atlantic
    Fox News
    New York Times
    Los Angeles Times
    Baltimore Sun
    Chicago Tribune
    The Guardian
    The New Yorker
    The Financial Times
    Foreign Policy
    The Philadelphia Inquirer
    New York Magazine
    Yahoo Finance
    National Journal
    Washington Post
    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    U.S. News & World Report
    San Francisco Chronicle
    Philadelphia Inquirer
    Harvard Business Review
    The Hill
    Chicago Magazine
    MSNBC “Private dinners” with communist Chinese propagandists were also attended by these media outlets: From TNP: In addition to CUSEF-sponsored travel, outlets also met with CUSEF officials and the BLJ CEO in various U.S. cities including New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Often times, the meetings were described as “private dinners” in FARA filings. Washington Post
    Associated Press
    TIME Magazine
    New York Times
    The Atlantic
    The Economist
    Wall Street Journal
    Financial Times
    National Journal
    Chicago Tribune
    Los Angeles Times
    Agence France Presse
    McClatchy Newspapers
    Congressional Quarterly
    The Hill
    Newsweek Read more stories at The National Pulse. Tags: CNBC, disinfo, enemies, Journalism, left cult, lies, news cartels, NPR, NY Times, President Trump, propagand, rigged, traitors, treason, Washington Post, WashPost
    Bypass censorship by sharing this link: New Copy URL 4,510Views  Posted 31st December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  88. Dec 30 LADY LIBERTY dont fuck with South Dakota #NostroviaNews
    Posted 30th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  89. Dec 18 KNOCK-OUT!!! : vaccine 1 – humans 0 #NostoviaNews    A Tennessee nurse passed out on camera ten minutes after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Critical care nurse Tiffany Dover at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga was having a lucid discussion with WRCBtvfollowing her vaccination, when she became visibly impaired – holding her hand to her head and swaying. She then apologized to the news crew, turned away from the camera, and fainted. “Ten minutes after the shot, Dover became light-headed and passed out while speaking with us,” the outlet reported. Posted 18th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!%20%3A%20vaccine%201%20-%20humans%200%20%23NostoviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  90. Dec 18 DEATH OF AMERIkA : Reports Claim “Anti-Trump” SCOTUS Justice Roberts Afraid To Hear Election Fraud Cases Due To Liberal “Riots” #NostroviaNews Multiple sources are claiming Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is an “anti-Trumper” who is actively working to ensure President Trump isn’t re-elected. A video going viral online shows Arizona State Senator Eddie Farnsworth citing a Supreme Court staffer who allegedly heard SCOTUS judges yelling behind closed doors during a heated argument. Farnsworth describes a statement made by a “Current staffer for one of the Supreme Court Justices.” “He said the justices, as they always do, went into a closed room to discuss cases or to debate,” Farnsworth explained. “There are no phones, no computers, no nothing. No one else is in the room except the nine justices. It’s typically very civil.” He continued, saying, “They usually don’t hear any sound, they just debate what they’re doing. But, when the Texas case was brought up, he heard screaming through the walls as Justice Roberts and the other liberal justices were insisting that this case not be taken up. The words that were heard through the wall when Justice Thomas and Justice Alito were citing Bush vs Gore, from John Roberts, were, ‘I don’t give a ***** about that case, I don’t want to hear about it. At that time we didn’t have riots.’ So, what he was saying is he was afraid of what would happen if they didn’t do the right thing.” “I’m sorry, but that is moral cowardice,” Farnsworth declared. “We in the SREC, I’m an SREC member, we put those words in very specifically, because the charge of the Supreme Court is to ultimately be our final arbitrator, our final line of defense for right and wrong, and they did not do their duty. So, I think we should leave these words in because I want to send a strong message to them. Thank you.” NEW – SCOTUS Justice Roberts was reportedly scared to take up the Texas case according to a staffer testimony.

    “I don’t give a ***** about ‘Bush vs Gore’… at that time we didn’t have riots!”— 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 17, 2020 Corroborating this account is an interview with Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, a Trump insider, who told the Strange Report podcast about the Supreme Court clerk’s experience before Farnsworth spoke out. According to Howard-Browne, “The clerk said, ‘The justices are normally calm. They meet behind closed doors, and you never hear anything, but it was a screaming match. You could hear it all down the hallway.’” “He said they met in person… they didn’t trust the telephonic meeting,” Howard-Browne told Strange Report. “Chief Justice Roberts was screaming, ‘Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?’ And then Roberts went on to say [to Justice Neil Gorsuch], ‘Don’t tell me about Bush versus Gore. We weren’t dealing with riots then, and you’re forgetting what your role is. And I don’t want to hear anything from the two junior justices.’” The clerk alleged that Roberts continued, saying, “I will tell you how to vote,” with Justice Clarence Thomas supposedly answering, “This will end be the end of democracy, John.” “When they left the room, Roberts and the liberals and Kavanaugh had big smiles; Alito and Thomas [were] visibly upset; ACB and Gorsuch didn’t seem fazed at all,” according to Howard-Browne’s source. “So obviously, it’s clear that Chief Justice Roberts is intimidated by Antifa, the left-wing rioting,” the pastor concluded. “And, of course, that’s the problem that we’re dealing with. Apart from the corruption that’s in our courts, and the judges that are legislating from the benches, and all the corruption that we’re dealing with here with the voting fraud and the scandals of what’s taking place. This would be ultimately the scenario that I could just see unfolding in the Supreme Court.” In addition to these claims, Trump attorney Lin Wood wrote on Twitter Thursday, “This may be the most important tweet of my life.” He continued, “Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately. They are ‘anti-Trumpers’ dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of
    Trump’s re-election.” This may be most important tweet of my life.

    Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately.

    They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 Elaborating, Wood claimed Roberts was heard discussing Trump in a phone conversation, saying, “the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected.” “Roberts engaged in phone conversations with Justice Stephen Breyer discussing how to work to get Trump voted out,” Lin wrote. In discussing @realDonaldTrump in phone conversation in 8/19, Justice John Roberts stated that he would make sure “the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected.”

    Roberts engaged in phone conversations with Justice Stephen Breyer discussing how to work to get Trump voted out.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 The POTUS attorney added, “This is a sad day for our country but a day on which we must wake up & face the truth,” and told Americans, “Roberts is reason that SCOTUS has not acted on election cases. Others involved.” Corruption & deceit have reached most powerful office in our country – the Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

    This is a sad day for our country but a day on which we must wake up & face the truth.

    Roberts is reason that SCOTUS has not acted on election cases. Others involved.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 Changing the direction of his Twitter rant, Wood said he’s “long had questions about ‘the John Roberts’ on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs. I suspected it was our Chief Justice. MSM has shown no interest in investigating issue to find TRUTH. America is now entitled to know the answer. Every lie will be revealed. Pray.” I have long had questions about “the John Roberts” on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs. I suspected it was our Chief Justice. MSM has shown no interest in investigating issue to find TRUTH.

    America is now entitled to know the answer.

    Every lie will be revealed.

    — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 “The documentation of my claims about Justices Roberts & Breyer has been placed in hands of several third parties,” Wood added. “When one cannot attack message, all too often messenger is attacked. But TRUTH cannot be denied. It cannot be destroyed. I have made sure of that TRUTH.” The documentation of my claims about Justices Roberts & Breyer has been placed in hands of several third parties.

    When one cannot attack message, all too often messenger is attacked.

    But TRUTH cannot be denied. It cannot be destroyed. I have made sure of that TRUTH.

    – Lin 🙏— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 Infowars has reached out to Lin Wood to inquire about the documentation of his claims, but has yet to receive a response. One final tweet on the subject by Wood explains that if he gave the wrong date for the alleged phone call where Justice Roberts said Trump would “never be re-elected,” that the judge can give the exact date himself. “While you have his attention, ask him some other questions. He owes The People answers. He owes us TRUTH,” Lin wrote. By the way, if my date below is incorrect by a couple of months, just ask Chief Justice John Roberts. He can give you the exact date of his incriminatory phone conversation. While you have his attention, ask him some other questions. He owes The People answers. He owes us TRUTH.— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020 Posted 18th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  91. Dec 16 Obama Brags: “I Was Able To Get Away With” Not Being Born In America #NostroviaNews
    Posted 16th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  92. Dec 15 #NostroviaNews Bidens to heal the USA   Posted 15th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  93. Dec 15 Video: Michigan Electors Cast Their Vote for Trump #NostroviaNews
    Posted 15th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  94. Dec 13 US CONSTITUTION DENIED : EMERGENCY Situation Update, Dec. 12th – The betrayal is now complete #NostrovuaNews  Posted 13th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  95. Dec 12 The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the republic #NostroviaNews More “emergency” Situation Updates coming mid-day Saturday… The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the republic Friday, December 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams
    Tags: America, China, civil war, Constitution, cyber warfare, dominion, insurrection, national defense, scotus, Trump, uprising
    Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Image: The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the republic (Natural News) Tonight the US Supreme Court chose to dismiss the Texas lawsuit for lack of standing. The court did not hear the merits of the case, nor did it decide on them. It simply declared that Democrat-controlled states can rig elections, commit ballot fraud, cheat and steal in whatever way they want even if their actions are wildly unfair to the other states which are impacted by the outcome of federal elections. As of tonight, December 11, 2020, we no longer live in a functioning constitutional republic. There is no longer any controlling legal authority that is functioning in America. Even the death of Ginsburg, it seems, was not enough to lend the court a majority of jurists who might choose to uphold the rule of law. The rule of law has now collapsed. The courts no longer even pretend to function. Censorship is extreme, the media print brazen lies and the elections are so blatantly rigged that the cheating is carried out on camera, for all to see. Yet every last American is apparently powerless to stop the election theft, for all the forces that despise this nation — and which hate liberty and justice — are now aligned against any functioning civil court action which might recognize and reverse the great injustices that have been carried out against this nation by Democrats and deep state traitors. Yet despite overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of blatant election rigging, fraud and foreign interference, local judges are too corrupt to hear the cases, district courts are too corrupt to decide on the cases, and the highest court in the land is too corrupt to even grant the case legal standing. America has been plunged into lawlessness by the US Supreme Court. There is no coming back from the path of emerging history that SCOTUS has just set into motion, and this path will be slathered with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Every peaceful option to resolve this election has now been exhausted. The remaining options will all involve kinetic engagement. America will now bleed. This is certain. Great clarity has now been achieved on the remaining option The final option now remaining to save the republic is President Trump’s “national security” option, which would mirror the actions of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Trump must now declare the fraudulent election to be an act of cyber warfare against America, deploy the military to key cities, and initiate mass arrests of court judges, mayors, governors, election officials, complicit “journalists,” members of Congress and everyone else who has colluded in this criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America. Fortunately, this is precisely the option for which President Trump has been preparing since at least September of 2018. I have been covering these preparations in my Situation Update podcasts, which bring to light activities of the DoD, DIA, SpecOps forces and cyber warfare soldiers, all of which are preparing for Trump to give the green light on an operation that would take down America’s enemies with ferocity and determination. Trump now surely realizes this plan is the only remaining option to fulfill his oath to defend the United States of America against enemies foreign and domestic. SCOTUS has just handed Trump the clarity he needed to carry out this historic, necessary step to defend this republic in its final hour, when enemies across the country and around the world believe they have succeeded in their suffocation of liberty and the planned demise of the United States of America. By Saturday, mid-day, I will have two new Situation Update podcasts posted. Here is Friday’s podcast, which reveals all the actions already under way to prepare Special Operations forces and pro-America elements of the DoD for their finest hour and most important mission of all: The saving of our constitutional republic. The question now is: Will Trump find the courage to give the order? If he does not, America falls to communist China and is plunged into unrestricted domestic warfare / civil war.

    Posted 12th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  96. Dec 11 COERCION TO TAKE COVID-19 VACCINE IS A INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME AND VIOLATION OF NUREMBERG-CODE AND GENEVA-CONVENTION #NostroviaNews  vaccine companies and governments don’t know what it will do long-term and have liability waivers given to vaccine companies,
    but short-term we see a very hi rate of vaccine injury of a serious nature and deaths.
    aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : Day 1176 aRXII : Dec,11, 2020
      Posted 11th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  97. Dec 10 “make them pay” NAZI?MARXIST! black american D-Representative-c.johnson calls for RACE WAR!!! #NostroviaNews Deal assassinated by car-bomb,  Flynn warned “stop all engines”
    Posted 10th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!%20black%20american%20D-Representative-c.johnson%20calls%20for%20RACE%20WAR!!!%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  98. Dec 7 the wolrd is marxist/NAZI-GAS-LIT by google/big-tech äNostroviaNews Infowars sun dec 5 2020
      ______________printed aug 2 2020_______________________________–UhZP2mMU?feature=player_embedded&wmode=opaque   Posted 7th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  99. Dec 5 1776 Again !!! and WORLDWIDE !!! save AmeriCa and AmeriCANS, stop and kill if necessary traitors against any Sovereign Nation State or People #NostroviaNews
    Posted 5th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!%20and%20WORLDWIDE%20!!!%20save%20AmeriCa%20and%20AmeriCANS%2C%20stop%20and%20kill%20if%20necessary%20traitors%20against%20any%20Sovereign%20Nation%20State%20or%20People%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  100. Dec 4 #NostroviaNews : president impotent must: –   sign a executive order that the AG must receive and prioritize the POTUS evidentiary supported indictments and their legal attaches.if and when AG wont enjoin the DOJ he can be fired for not doing his job and be replaced asap and that wont be a political firing but a failure to function his jobs duties. 
      Posted 4th December 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  101. Nov 26 WE CAN resist the globaalist and WIN BACK OUR FREEDOM #NostroviaNews

    Posted 26th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  102. Nov 24 “Dominion” in Bible prophecy???!!! #NostroviaNews Colosians 1:13 He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son… Posted 24th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости!!!%20%23NostroviaNews&size=medium 0 Add a comment
  103. Nov 22 antifa fascism is globalism=zionism #NostroviaNews
    Posted 22nd November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  104. Nov 22 Fake News ??? #NostroviaNews
      Posted 22nd November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  105. Nov 22 fake-news Staged Refugee Drowning!!! VS. The_Challenger STAGED RUFUGEE DROWNING!!!
    VS. JFK telling us the 911 truth and more so you rise up against fake news and injustice not just in america but all over the world Posted 22nd November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  106. Nov 22 Quid_pro _quo_Joe speaks for himself #NostroviaNews–dj2-CY?wmode=opaque Posted 22nd November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  107. Nov 19 is greta thunberg really autistic or just abused by her parents and or Sweden #NostroviaNews

    Posted 19th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  108. Nov 19 Ist die CDU und Merkel auch manipuliert und fixiert die Deutsche Wahl? – Is the CDU and Merkel rigging and fixing the German election too? #NostroviaNews Verwenden Sie durch Assoziation nur Logik und Vernunft und die sokratische Methode, und die Antwort ist selbstverständlich (.)- By association just use logic and reason and the Socratic method and the answer is self evident (.) Posted 19th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  109. Nov 17 THE FACE OF EVIL #NostroviaNews MOMI !!! WHY IS THIS SCARY LADY ALLOWED TO TAKE AWAY THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS   Posted 17th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  110. Nov 13 NEWSFLASH-PutinToBecomFirstMarijuanaSmokingRussianPresident-Canibis=Parkinson’sSafeEffectiveTreatment #NostrovaNews  Putin must continue to save the worldHEMP FOR VICTORYURA !!! URA !!! URA !!!
    aRLeon der Souveraen : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII :
    Posted 13th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  111. Nov 13 no one owes the other the right to kill and genocide : MOSAD ROADMAP !!! #NostroviaNews

    Posted 13th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  112. Nov 10 the advent of biden-harris corruption is the first shot of ARMAGEDDON #NostroviaNews     i would have liked to followed tRump out of all conflicts, but due to the pompous ass he is that’s not possible.his need for image and acceptance by what are basically hitlers. whether they be at home or abroad in for example Israel Europe and China! was his greatest weakness.aRLeon der Souverän : World Ambassador : rlwallersteinIII : day 365+365+366+40 aRXIIT – 142 days till March 22, 2021
    Posted 10th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  113. Nov 9 BIDEN: BUILD BACK BROKEN #NostroviaNews   BROKEN BACK AMERICA HARRIS INSURES Posted 9th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости 0 Add a comment
  114. Nov 4 truth is not relative,  lies are.
    Posted 4th November 2020 by röbi the dragon slayer #NostroviaNews #НостровияНовости

has the cat got your tongue and given you toxoplasmosis